Best Buy & Ty Audits

I tried searching for past posts on this, but the search function isn't working for me so my apologies if this has been asked time and time again.

I'm intrigued by the BestBuy Insta shops I see and wondered if they're worth the payout? Do they take a long time like 4-5 hours?

Also, for the Ty beanie baby ones, I'm confused by the way they're named with biweekly and monthly. Are those worth the money involved and do you not get paid until you do a second task after the first?

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Yes, the best buy audits are supposed to take 4 - 5 hours, but the first few won't go that smoothly. I only did one Ty shop, for $40. There is a lot involved, even on the simplest shops, that much work requires a lot more than $10 pay for me to be interested. And there will never be routes of $40 each Ty resets.
The last round of Ty paid up to $85 for the hard to fill locations. Some locations were very quick, because they did not have any backstock to place.
@Morledzep wrote:

Yes, the best buy audits are supposed to take 4 - 5 hours, but the first few won't go that smoothly. I only did one Ty shop, for $40. There is a lot involved, even on the simplest shops, that much work requires a lot more than $10 pay for me to be interested. And there will never be routes of $40 each Ty resets.
I did the Best Buy in the past. I agree 4-6 hrs once you get it down. I used to live across the street from one so did it a half dozen times. The TY merchandising is my main side gig right now. I have a route of 80 locations. The monthly visits are locations that are visited only one time per month. It has something to do with their contract with TY I suppose. Typically these are Circle K or Michaels. Bi-weekly means the location is visited twice per month. If you start doing these successfully the company will offer you a route and you will need to commit to both V1 and V2 for the month. It’s my third month with a route. I visit 10-15 locations per day. It has bumps here and there but for me … it is easy because it’s the same thing over and over.
For TY it depends on the stores you have. I have 18 stores, more than half are 7-11s. They rarely have any stock to put out. Those locations take me 15 minutes. But, on occasion, they do get stock and their staff often just throws it on the display and then i have to fix it. Can take awhile longer.

The larger drug store chains are more time consuming because there can be multiple displays and backstock. Those stores tske a bit longer. I have a nice mix of stores and now that I have been doing the same ones, i know how to plan. I csn knock out 4 locations in an hour because they are easy and close together. But there are others i know to plan for more time.

This has been consistent income and they are not hard to do at all.
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