I thought about it. The only real hard time I've experienced from an editor was when I was asked to re-do some narratives on a report. Before then, having done primarily basic and straightforward shops that were light on narrative, I was still getting used to shops that required narrative, at the time.
The editor reached out to me, directly. We had a productive conversation. The editor gave me positive, critical, and honest feedback, along with concerns from the MSC/client's perspective. The gist was to ensure that the experience was unique and independent of everything else and past experiences. Since then, I still remember that conversation and advice every once in a while.
Now, I've been very selective with narrative-heavy reports, but seem to do well in that area. The most difficult shops, I'm comfortable doing, given the right conditions and circumstances.
I've generally had positive feedback/interactions from/with editors.
To note, I've reported on negative but factual experiences with no pushback from a good number of MSCs, without any issues. I would continue to do work with those MSCs, without hesitation.
I've also had instances where the editor/client manager reached out to me directly. All positive. I value those MSCs more and would do repeat business.