Forgot to ask his name! What should I do?

I was in the bank and concentrating so much on what he wore & his looks that I completely forgot to ask his name. What should I do?

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nc, most bank shops require you to get a business card. That should have his name on it.
I have been doing this for years and I always got a bus. card. But this time......i forgot! Is there anything I can do?
I have been doing this for years and I always got a bus. card. But this time......i forgot! Is there anything I can do?
Walk back in and get one. Or have a friend do it. Unless it is far away?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2025 09:14PM by purpleicee.
You could go back and pretend like you thought you forgot your sunglasses or lost an earring or something.
As an older gentleman, I've walked in and asked for a business card. I'll remark that I put it in my wallet and it becomes a To-Do item.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
Call back and say you were in earlier and had a follow up question and say you can’t remember who you spoke with but it’s the (fill in the blank— guy in red shirt with black hair). They should say, “oh that’s Josh.. he’s with a customer can I take a message?” Think of a question to ask or say you’ll call back. Otherwise go back in and get a card or look for a name tag.
Ive done similar. I have said that I think I left something on the counter. Funny thing is, it wasn't there! Ha ha ha....

@nc wrote:

I've done that....said I lost my glove...
Depending on the size of the bank, he could be on their website with a pic.

MissChele - Shopping KY, IN & OH
Thread Killer
Like the others said I call the bank and say "I was just in and was speaking to a banker but I can't remember his name and I have a question for him." They'll then provide his name and transfer you to him and I make up a question. If you need a business card, which you probably do, then I go back in with said made up question and say "I just had another question" If he can see you, he answers the question and you ask for the business card. If he can't see you then you ask if someone could give you his business card and tell them you'll call him later.
Some bank shops expect the person to be wearing a name tag. If I can't use the approaches above (for example, if I'm entering the report at home and the bank is closed), I have entered No Name Tag Visible (or if I'm sure there was indeed no name tag, I leave the word visible off). When the report has a good description of the banker and the clothing worn, the reports have been accepted.
Could depend on the msc. Doing one for ath - One time I lost the business card and forgot her name lol! I wrote the scheduler. They let it go “just this one time”.
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