Cheba Hut?

I've seen them and never done one. Prior company was cheap and the fee was flat reimbursement. Now it's with a Sassie company that has a reimburse and a reasonable fee attached.

This is a cannabis themed sub shop (THC and CBD are NOT used - it's just themed)

My friend says she has eaten there before. I never had any desire, but if you are going to pay me, I am willing to try it out.

seems like mostly southwestern US states is where this is located with the highest concentration in greater Denver area.

I came across it scanning presto even though it's not really a presto shop.

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Cheeba Hut is a really delicious sub shop specializing in decedent roasted subs in a Cannabis Culture themed atmosphere. Previously they were listed on I Secret Shop under another MSP I work for and I do them monthly. First ate there in Las Vegas I recommend it to the moon and stars. The shop pays more now.
I love them. I did one every month. I got one from the new MSC for next month. It says to order a nug sub and munchi side. But nothing about a drink. I emailed them asking about that.
Bummer deal. Since I have found a close to FT job I am doing fewer shops but this is one that I have enjoyed and from what you have posted, I gather it's no longer on the platform I have known them to be one. Well hopefully something else comes to replace it for a nice, calm, reimbursed bar shop and small fee.
The new spot it popped up is paying more. I signed up. Spouse keeping an eye on I Secret Shop in case they show there too. We looooooove their sandwiches and they serve Kool Aid.

Keep us posted on the answer for the drink. This is not the same MSC as Panda Express, but maybe their philosophy is the same about not allowing drinks?

@pegleg2000 wrote:

I love them. I did one every month. I got one from the new MSC for next month. It says to order a nug sub and munchi side. But nothing about a drink. I emailed them asking about that.
@hbbigdaddy wrote:


Keep us posted on the answer for the drink. This is not the same MSC as Panda Express, but maybe their philosophy is the same about not allowing drinks?

@pegleg2000 wrote:

I love them. I did one every month. I got one from the new MSC for next month. It says to order a nug sub and munchi side. But nothing about a drink. I emailed them asking about that.

I do other restaurant shops for this MSC and always get a drink. I havent heard back yet. My shop is this Saturday, so I hope I hear back soon.
@nolimitem wrote:

Listen, I am not a stoner, but Cheba Hut is soooo tasty.

They make the best subs
Cheba hut is amazing! I also was hesitant because of the cannabis theme but I was impressed
Not sure if i'll be impressed, but I am happy it changed MSC because this one at least pays a fee. I don't know how better or worse the report is, but I wouldn't do one before.
@hbbigdaddy wrote:

Not sure if i'll be impressed, but I am happy it changed MSC because this one at least pays a fee. I don't know how better or worse the report is, but I wouldn't do one before.

The report looks the same as other msc.
There are none near me, (sad face) but I did do a shop when I was on vacation in April. We absolutely loved the place. So much so, that I would even go back on my own $$.
I noticed a few differences. There are more required photos - dining room and restroom. The new shop does not ask specifically what was on the televisions. Beverages are no longer referred to as “cottonmouth cures” (the chain’s kitschy lingo) and beverage evaluation is no longer required. There was one problem for me with the new form - it asks for cashier name from receipt. My receipt had no name. I visually described the person including their cool hat and referred to the register number. Employees at this restaurant are not required to wear name tags. I noticed the bar version was posted. I have never done that one but am curious.
The location I went to was quite busy with more and more people flowing in. The food was good, but I was not overly impressed. I think the pictures for the online menu/ordering did not match what was received (looks "meatier" online). I would do the shop again. I don't know if I like it enough to want to spend my own money there. One thing I did not like was not being able to easily identify employees. I know this is a different kind of place, but maybe they should have name badges to differentiate themselves from clientele since there is no standard uniform.
Could I get a hint who the new MSC is??
I did the Cheba in my area since it opened and I love their food. We actually go there just to eat sometimes.
Think former supreme court justice female that died within the past 10 years. Her 3 letter initials.
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