Video equipment suggestions

Has anyone found any video equipment that works for video shops but doesn't cost a fortune?

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PV500 Lawmate, It's worth the investment if you're going to focus your mystery shopping on video shops.. Otherwise, just put your cell phone on video in a breast pocket so the camera sticks out.
@Morledzep wrote:

PV500 Lawmate, It's worth the investment if you're going to focus your mystery shopping on video shops.. Otherwise, just put your cell phone on video in a breast pocket so the camera sticks out.
This!!! This is the gold standard for video shopping and they are reasonably priced now.
Bowes, when I used to do video shops all of the companies asked for MP4 files no matter the equipment used to get them.
@Bowesman wrote:

So they accept recordings from mobile devices
I know of at least one company that does. There may be others.
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