No more IPSOS $12 cell phone shops

The pay is way too low for the number of questions. 5 of the questions are essay types. The questions are also getting more technical.

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oh ! LOL - you meant no more for YOU.
I would probably agree but the title made me think they had gone away entirely.
effective clickbait lol
@BarefootBliss wrote:

oh ! LOL - you meant no more for YOU.
I would probably agree but the title made me think they had gone away entirely.
effective clickbait lol
Or I was thinking maybe they were now $11 instead of $12.
Many times I have had to return to a location because either I forgot to take the picture or forgot something,
I did a cell phone shop 5 miles from home about 4-5 years ago for $80. I couldn’t believe it. (Not for ipsos.) And yet, I’d still rather visit the dentist than do another one.
I avoided these shops for the numerous essay questions and that there was no time limit for waiting. I only did a few after being on-site, walking past the store and see few or no customers, would do it.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
I have not done them since the selfie requirement. But the provider with the logo of a blue globe with a white stripe wound around it horizontally, always had the longest wait time for a representative. So, once that 20 minute mark came, bye-bye, and you still got the full fee. I do not know if that changed to the partial fee now, though, like closed locations.
@BayShopper22 wrote:

I did a cell phone shop 5 miles from home about 4-5 years ago for $80. I couldn’t believe it. (Not for ipsos.) And yet, I’d still rather visit the dentist than do another one.
I almost did something similar for $100+, but after looking at all the requirements, I canceled. Too many questions, too many pics, and just not worth it.
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