Would you pay to learn about video MSing?

This website came up in my Facebook feed. I know nothing about this guy or group.
I know video shopping can be a bit more involved and I've never done any of it.
I know they have taught it at the MSing conferences, but I've never been or accessed training online.


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The link says the first seminar is free. There is an advanced session where he charges, but that is not out of the ordinary. I believe I have paid at one or two of the conventions one way or another for an advanced video session. Can't expect people to work for free.

Steve has been active in the MS community for many years and seems legit. He is on this forum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 04:28PM by mystery2me.
I'd probably try without a course and then find I needed some instruction. grinning smiley

I did read a lot about it here on the forum. But never tried it. Now I'm at an age where I'm winding down all forms of work.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 06:19PM by prince.
I would maybe try a shop before paying. Some years back, a MSC had trouble filling video recording shops. It held a free workshop. Back then, it seemed like a shop that I personally had zero interest in.
I don't expect people to work for free....that said, there have been lots of people in this forum who've done video shopping and they might weigh in as to whether (a) it's like unrecorded video MS, i.e. the info can be found here, who needs Kayla anyway?) or (b) they wish they had undertaken a formal training before getting into it.
My personal opinion is that video shopping may at one time been lucrative, but those days have passed. Having said that, as a full time shopper it has proven useful to me. I don't make any more than non-video, but it adds to my volume of work.

I found the training useful because I was eager to jump in. I could have worked with individual MSCs who do help coach shoppers, but I was in a hurry. The training was as much about networking as anything else.

The real danger is not about wasting money on a course, but is about spending a lot of money on equipment that you end up not using. You will hear a lot of testimonial about making that money back in a week, but they never mention the actual profit they could have made doing something else instead.
The MSC I referenced earlier also loaned out equipment. However, I haven't seen video shops offered by the MSC since then. It was a short round of shops.
Years ago, I took one of these. It was a great experience. I learned a lot. I learned I wasn't interested in doing Video Shops. I actually got a certificate that I was a Video Shopper and got lots of emails asking me to do shops, but I never did any. It was a great experience and lots of fun. I think if I had not gone to that conference, I would have wasted time and money buying the equipment.
Many MSCs want to know if you trained with Steve. The first training session is free, but he's a good connection to have. He has very good information. Also, he's very good about returning calls, texts, and emails.
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