shops disappear!

There were H&R Block photo shops posted at $10. They rose to $15 last day posted was yesterday. I looked this morning and they are all gone. Wonder if they will reappear. There were quite a few in my area- perhaps the 15 to 40 minutes on site for the rather low fee prevented shoppers from taking the shops? I live in an area which had below freezing temps the last couple of weeks so venturing out taking photos, etc for the low fees was not to my liking.

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I think I saw an email with them at $40.. might have been tax prep shop though, I didn't open the email. I'm not very interested in playing.
They all disappeared here too. I don't think anybody had taken any. I drove by one of the strip mall locations yesterday and discovered the suite was still being built out. Knowing I would only get $3, I still logged in today and they were all gone,
I've experienced the phenomenon of the "disappearing shop" when my gut tells me that there's no way someone grabbed all of those all at once. Turns out some shops have a quota limit that we don't know about. So say there's a ton of opportunities in your area and you grab a good amount. You complete them and want to do more, but suddenly ALL of them are gone and you swear there were like 50-75 left. Turns out, if the company wants a sampling and the shoppers grab enough to make that sample, then all the shops disappear. Sometimes they reappear suddenly and disappear again, but you could basically count them gone in my opinion.

I saw this twice in my area. Once for gas station car counting opportunities and the other for checking stores for Samsung pay stickers. Both were insta-shops on the Presto map too.
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