Dry January?

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Oh, I thought you meant that currently trending resolution to abstain from alcohol! And how it could tie in with those booze delivery shops.

I've been seeing the standard shops but nothing new or exciting. And it's a tad too early for decent bonuses.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2025 09:18PM by sestrahelena.
I thought the same thing about abstaining from alcohol.

I have seen the same jobs as well. I have been very busy.

@sestrahelena wrote:

Oh, I thought you meant that currently trending resolution to abstain from alcohol! And how it could tie in with those booze delivery shops.

I've been seeing the standard shops but nothing new or exciting. And it's a tad too early for decent bonuses.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
They are out there. This has been a record all-time month for me, actually, in my nine years of doing this.
And I didn't even do a gas station until yesterday!
They have been the same here as well! I have worked remotely for most of January so far due to weather and there are so many jobs on the various boards that I could have in theory picked up, but the weather and icy roads kept me inside.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2025 02:03PM by gigishopper.
Ceetain MSCs have had nothing but this January is my best month for me. I really hustled though doing a ton of dark audits. I am worried that some of my go to MSCs have had alot less to offer lately. Fingers crossed
@BarefootBliss wrote:

can I ask what is a dark audit?

Some call them dark audits, some call them light audits. Gas stations where you go at night to make sure all of their lights are working and take pics of the canopy, the c-store, etc. Easy jobs, don't even have to get out of the car most of the time. Can string together several in one night.
It's a bit dry for me for Jan....quite a few usual things ain't showing up ..also the scheduling of Chinese fast food has been off the pattern recently.....the move of gas from sassie to presto doesn't help neither.

It has seriously hurt the part time shopper by a huge margin with presto cos it makes it way harder to take shops and planned for weekend....everything now turns into a maybe, depends if it's still available the day before
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 06:11PM by kisekinecro.
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 06:11PM by kisekinecro.
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 06:10PM by kisekinecro.
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 06:10PM by kisekinecro.
I guess it depends on the location. Things have been fairly dry for me, but not completely empty.
I exceeded my modest extra income goal I set for the month but to be honest I keep looking for something new and exciting and haven't seen it. So it is mostly my main stays (two projects that I am assigned to complete twice a month, parking and some burgers and a few fine dining because I like the meals since the pay is dismal if at all for the time involved)
What’s your minimum for doing a dark audit? I’ve seen him in my area but for only $10-$15?
My goal was to cut back and take it easy this year, but I will have completed 85 local shops in January by tomorrow.
@kathytwin wrote:

What’s your minimum for doing a dark audit? I’ve seen him in my area but for only $10-$15?

They are at $10 and that is ok for me because I can do a cluster of them in one area fairly quickly or I can easily tag them onto other jobs. I don't even have to get out of the car so I really like those!! Those will never get bonused where I am because they go fast. In fact, my entire area is cleared of these except for about 4 which are in remote areas. Those may get bonused and I have gotten $40 each for those one year. Too many shoppers where I am.
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