Kroger's: Today or next week?

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I think it will be next week because there are still two Kroger shops that have not been filled, as shown on my dashboard.
Thanx to both Rg and 724. To Boridi, I should have been more specific; my request dealt with self-assignment.

In the past, when there have been changes, the MSC required one to access and then verify the page had been read.

As there was word a few months ago the deli worker needed to be visited, I have checked and there usually are customers waiting. That certainly could increase shop time.
Thank you! I'll anticipate this extra step when shops get posted for self-assignment.

Regarding the new deli element, I forgot about these rumblings.

This brings back bad flashbacks of wild pig's head and slicer pictures with another MSC! "Why not wild pig's head?!" I'll stop now.
Yes I remember asking questions with the previous MSC ; it took extra time and the employees seemed to look at me like I must be the mystery shopper because a regular customer wouldn't wait in line to ask such a weird question.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 03:12AM by 724PM.
If it should come to pass that new requirements do not work for me, the current run of 2 1/2 yrs. has well served its purpose of defraying travel expenses.
I remember the previous MSC now, with more interactions at one point. I'll give this shop a try. For me, who prefers pick-up, it'll be necessary to maintain a 1:1 ratio with in-store and pick-up.

shopperbob, by the way, how did the Kroger pizza go?
@shopperbob wrote:

Please share.
Launch 1/29
Shopping starts 2/2

Happy hunting / cage match wrestling for these. smiling smiley
I really hated those questions. I don't mind getting them to greet me and getting their descriptions, but I'm older, and I'm a cook/foodie, some of those questions were completely rediculous, even for a beginner cook.
I do a lot of inner city Kroger stores. Stating the questions the way they were written was off putting to say the least. Often times, the associate had no clue what I was asking. Or did not have or offer the subject matter at that location.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230

It was necessary, due to plummeting temps, to reschedule Monday's visit to Weds. I will post next month. The smallest store in SW Ohio I shopped this past Monday, did not have a facility to bake the pie.

Although I mentioned the chicken before, at $5 on Thurs., it is an exceptional value and quite tasty. My last Thurs. visits, I purchased two and plan on increasing to three.
BayShopper22, I'll be there bright and early with hot coffee, an apple, and a mouse!
The one time I got a pizza there it was on a pre-cooked crust. It wasn't awful but the frozen, self rising pizzas are much more pizza-like. I've not seen any at my local stores that have raw dough.

Different regions have different offerings though. If you're considering the pre-cooked ones that just need warming, I would not go out of my way at all for them.

Locally, we used to get a decent rotisserie chicken but they did away with the bigger version and they all just seem scrawny now. So, who knows. If you get a great pizza. report back!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 09:01PM by olympia tennenbaum.
Olympia, I have a postal scale I use for my e-Bay sales. I will weigh the birds in two weeks; I am guesstimating four lbs. Whether hot or cold, they well suit my tastes.
Regarding the rotisserie chicken that's being discussed, if I'm not mistaken, is this the Home Chef and/or Simple Truth brand? Or neither and directly from the deli?
Okie, I do not know the answer to your inquiry, but, my next Thurs. shop will be 02/06; I made a note to check and reply.
Home Chef probably.

The current MSC doesn't require "stupid questions" for Kroger. I"m guessing it's going to be similar to the greeting check at the service meat counter. I know one Kroger brand here has no service deli.

I wonder if there will be competitors for us as it's our 3 month cycle.
Same MSC. A new deli interaction resembles the shop at one point with the previous MSC.
At this point, WHEN is a toss up. I received the mention of 02/05, but the scheduler sent 01/29 with 2 question marks. It is, as I type, 12:16; hopefully, in 45 minutes we will know if it is this week.
If they are loading new requirements, I hope they did it last week! Remember also, there is supposed to be a reset on self-assign limits so I will see if I am still locked out of my closest store.
Anyone else not able to get the MSC app to open?

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
Working seamlessly for me. Got the ones I wanted, but going to limit myself. Just got enough in-store shops so far to snag pick-up later.

In my time zone, this is literally the hump of hump day. Time to get some hot coffee.
It is working now. Just be patient. It is in fact the new guidelines and fees. I sure am hoping this is Competitor month for us. I did not see the "Grocery" scenario for instore (which had been what they were using for competitor instore). I was able to get back in to self-assign my local store. "You are permitted to complete up to 15 visits at the same store per year". I this is at the bottom of the Guidelines under Scheduling Notes. Not sure if it also includes Pickups.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2025 06:30PM by melg.
I'm just going to assume that's total visits including pickups. But I do see the new shop element. Based on pics, I see why certain items were discussed now.
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