Taxes- Customer Impact

Anyone out there get an email stating we need to register with an e file company to get our 1099? Received an email on Thursday. Says I signed up for the service, which of course I don’t remember doing. Tried calling the offices but no answer, they may be closed due to the weather, getting a late start due to the weather or overwhelmed with shopper questions due to the weather.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!

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yes, I received the email as well and I believe they may have used the same service last year.
I got mine in the mail last year. Thanks

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!
They've used that same company for several years. If you register with them, you'll receive your 1099 quicker than if they have to mail it to you. They had some snow overnight and that tends to bring things to a halt in that area, so try them again this afternoon or tomorrow.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I received the email. I previously signed up for the site. But, when I log in, there's no 1099 anywhere.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I received the email. I previously signed up for the site. But, when I log in, there's no 1099 anywhere.

Did you do over $600 in work for them?

When I logged in, it asked if I wanted to receive it electronically, or on paper. I selected electronically and it showed the 1099 on the left side under a "forms" button.
I only received the efile email. I just now tried getting it and mine didn’t come up. Discussed the issue with chat. After rewording the same question 5 times, they said to contact CI. I’ve reached out to CI.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!
Yes. Ever since I've been with them, years before the doctor pamphlets, I have received a 1099 from them.

Edited to add: I have been able to download the form from that site, and they send me one in the mail. Just this year, I can't download it from that site; even though they say it's ready to download.

@joanna81 wrote:

@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I received the email. I previously signed up for the site. But, when I log in, there's no 1099 anywhere.

Did you do over $600 in work for them?

When I logged in, it asked if I wanted to receive it electronically, or on paper. I selected electronically and it showed the 1099 on the left side under a "forms" button.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2025 09:40PM by ArkLaMissshopping.
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

Yes. Ever since I've been with them, years before the doctor pamphlets, I have received a 1099 from them.

Edited to add: I have been able to download the form from that site, and they send me one in the mail. Just this year, I can't download it from that site; even though they say it's ready to download.

@joanna81 wrote:

@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I received the email. I previously signed up for the site. But, when I log in, there's no 1099 anywhere.

Did you do over $600 in work for them?

When I logged in, it asked if I wanted to receive it electronically, or on paper. I selected electronically and it showed the 1099 on the left side under a "forms" button.

Iirc, last year, I received a paper copy as well as the electronic one. Hopefully it gets sorted out for you soon.
Yes, I got the copy off the site, and they mailed one.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
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