So yesterday was an interesting one, it ended up with a policeman at my door - all because I was just doing a job.
I was doing a BPO drive-by photo audit of a house (in my town). I literally did not even get out of my vehicle but stopped along the other side of the street opposite the house to take my photos out the open window. Then my phone camera kept kicking into Portrait mode (focusing close up) so it took me longer than the 3 -5 seconds I can usually manage.
Welp, the homeowner must have been watching out the window because he appeared on the porch and yelled at me demanding "What are you doing??" I replied, I am just taking pictures of the house.
Then he asked "Why?" and I replied "Because I was asked to" ... duh.
He then held up his phone and photographed my vehicle driving away.
I am like, yeah go ahead buddy. Good luck with that.
Well damn if there wasn't an officer at my door about 30 minutes later. LOL !!
Of course when I explained that it was the work I do he was like, "Yeah, I kind of figured that is what it was" and told me no worries, I wasn't doing anything illegal and not to be concerned.
I thanked him and he was on his way.
The kicker - I was photographing the wrong house. It was the one next door.
I had to go back today to redo it (the time limit wasn't over yet so no penalty).
I definitely held my breath and snapped those pics as fast as I could and got the hell outta Dodge!!