Sassie reports

Does anyone have any tips to be able to fill out reports on your phone? At first, it was working fine for me. But now, on Sassie shops, it seems like it messes up and won’t let me save my work or send it and I lose everything and have to start over at home. I liked doing it on my phone so that I could do it on the way home from the shop while my guest drives and be done when I got home. Also, it was easier to upload pictures from phone.

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I only fill out reports on my phone when my computer is not accessible. The first thing I would suggest for filling out reports on your phone is to stop using the phone's browser and install Mozilla Firefox on your browser instead. Also, keep in mind that SASSIE will time out every 30 minutes. If you use your pc to fill out reports, you can always write in Word and then copy and paste into SASSIE. That is much easier than having to start over if SASSIE crashes. If you use your phone, all you can do is take screenshots periodically and copy and paste from those.
I've never been able to use Sassie on my phone. It works fine on my 10in tablet. Usually if you can't save your work it has nothing to do with the device you're using. At least for me, it's always me shopping on the wrong day. You can't enter and save anything until the day you're assigned the shop.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2025 08:08AM by Morledzep.
Please note that different form factor equipment needs different software programs just the same as different browsers/ Operating systems. When I studied web design many years ago, we were always told to design for the lowest common denonominator; i.e., keep it simple. Many times there are system limitations for different uses. It has everything to do with the device you are using. I prefer using my laptop with external KB and large monitor for everything--it is just easier.
I don't have issues with filling out Sassie on my iphone or android. I don't bother trying to do text explanations (even though I could talk to text). I save the narrative for the laptop. When doing a restaurant shop, I might click the yes and no parts for the hostess section after being seated, the cleanliness and other stuff that can be answered.

Of course you save what you have done so you don't lose it. When I'm doing a Panda Express online or drive thru order, of course I'm not filling out the report, but after getting the food and taking the pics, I have no problem going in and uploading the pics immediately so I don't have to do that later and scroll thru more pics that way.
I don't like waiting until I get home to complete my jobs. I have the actual website log in page saved on my page. When I get ready to do my job, I just open that saved page and begin. I've done that for years and never had an issue...yet. Crossing fingers.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
I wish there was a better app for Sassie. I just posted about this a few weeks ago because I seem to run into issues when there's a lot of pics to upload.
I have an andrid so I close out any other open tabs, go to the shop report, and fill out basic info (date, time, etc), save the report. Go back into it, upload a few pics, save it again. So basically, save like crazy is my only advice.
yeah, i usually access via site via the "accepted" message or even the "reminder" email. But I do suggest saving frequently. It sucks if you hit the wrong key/button on the phone and lose a ton of information.

Love the "oops" as you can easily jump to the data that you accidentally or purposefully skipped.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2025 05:03PM by hbbigdaddy.
Its unfortunate that the Sassie platform isn't that user-friendly for a mobile browser. I do website product management and have a ton of ideas to make the process so much easier. What's unfortunate is the site isn't "mobile responsive" so you get the desktop experience when you do a survey on your mobile phone.

I agree that for phones, the Firefox browser seems to be the best option for completing assignments. I do a little of each honestly. If I can do the simple pic uploads and the questions with buttons to answer, then I try to do those on my phone as much as possible. Once it comes to the larger text box, I either do Voice to Text through my phone or wait until I can access the page through my desktop and comfortably type from there.
@scottsteg wrote:

Its unfortunate that the Sassie platform isn't that user-friendly for a mobile browser. I do website product management and have a ton of ideas to make the process so much easier. What's unfortunate is the site isn't "mobile responsive" so you get the desktop experience when you do a survey on your mobile phone.

I agree that for phones, the Firefox browser seems to be the best option for completing assignments. I do a little of each honestly. If I can do the simple pic uploads and the questions with buttons to answer, then I try to do those on my phone as much as possible. Once it comes to the larger text box, I either do Voice to Text through my phone or wait until I can access the page through my desktop and comfortably type from there.

I could think of about 100 improvements and actually sent 2 over to Sassie but they don't seem to really care a whole lot about the Shopper side of it.
I enter the dates and times and use one of the text or narrative fields to make notes from my phone, then finish later on the computer. Sassie isnt very mobile friendly imo.
@Jnbent35 wrote:

Does anyone have any tips to be able to fill out reports on your phone? At first, it was working fine for me. But now, on Sassie shops, it seems like it messes up and won’t let me save my work or send it and I lose everything and have to start over at home. I liked doing it on my phone so that I could do it on the way home from the shop while my guest drives and be done when I got home. Also, it was easier to upload pictures from phone.

Take all required photos, once you have everything, get into the car and complete your report. Better than having to redo it upteen times.
8 years into shopping I just recently started entering on phone reports. Sassie works well for me, on iphone and Android. I recommend speech to text in notes app then paste into survey. answer all the yes and nos then save. Paste all of the comments and save. Finally save right before uploading pictures. Sassieay open the uploaded photo in a new browser window, but your survey is still there in another window. Go find it and save.
@joanna81 wrote:

@scottsteg wrote:

Its unfortunate that the Sassie platform isn't that user-friendly for a mobile browser. I do website product management and have a ton of ideas to make the process so much easier. What's unfortunate is the site isn't "mobile responsive" so you get the desktop experience when you do a survey on your mobile phone.

I agree that for phones, the Firefox browser seems to be the best option for completing assignments. I do a little of each honestly. If I can do the simple pic uploads and the questions with buttons to answer, then I try to do those on my phone as much as possible. Once it comes to the larger text box, I either do Voice to Text through my phone or wait until I can access the page through my desktop and comfortably type from there.

I could think of about 100 improvements and actually sent 2 over to Sassie but they don't seem to really care a whole lot about the Shopper side of it.

Because the shoppers aren't paying them so there's no incentive to make improvements that benefit shoppers. And MSCs are getting cheap so doubtful that they'd want to pay the higher fees that improvements would incur.
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