@gigishopper wrote:
Plot twist: we all join Kayla’s program and leave this forum.
@Mert wrote:
Porlatte, welcome to this forum!
Kayla has shared that she has private contracts with businesses and franchisees, in addition to completing traditional mystery shops contracted with MSCs. She explains that with these private shops, there are no ICAs to violate. I’m curious if she teaches how to establish and maintain this type of relationship in her course?
@Porlatte wrote:
She explicitly tells us not to disclose the MSC client because it breaks the confidentiality contract we agree to when signing up. There is no mention of her alleged private relations with MSCs in the course.
@shopperbob wrote:
SA posts-- ......nobody who is making any type of real money......
Bob requests--Concerning the following, may I have a clarification: Real, as an adjective is what amount? Do you mean IS MAKING literally, as only in the present or figuratively, also referencing HAS MADE?
@Porlatte wrote:
I'm not going to do a charge back, I don't believe she has done anything wrong.
If she finds out who I am and decides to kick me out it's ok, I chose to post here, not out of malice but just to inform.
@Madetoshop wrote:
@Porlatte wrote:
I'm not going to do a charge back, I don't believe she has done anything wrong.
If she finds out who I am and decides to kick me out it's ok, I chose to post here, not out of malice but just to inform.
@utjk2006 wrote:
The fact she charges for a course makes her fraudulent. Every MSC pretty much tells you if you are asked to pay to shop it’s a scam. I could understand charging a few bucks maybe for a list of MSCs to get into the industry but $1,000 for a “course” is ridiculous lol.
@SteveSoCal wrote:
@Niner & @gigishopper we cross posted, but your anecdote proves my exact point....
@Niner wrote:
I know this must sound awful when there are people discussing food stamps and donating plasma, so sorry if this sounds insensitive.
@Porlatte wrote:
She explicitly tells us not to disclose the MSC client because it breaks the confidentiality contract we agree to when signing up. There is no mention of her alleged private relations with MSCs in the course.
@purpleicee wrote:
Unfortunately, I am sure her 2 fans on this forum are reporting the play by play to her. Oh, and since I wrote this, they will probably pop on here with their snarky remarks.
Who knows?! We're nearing Page 9! A long break sounds good though.@gigishopper wrote:
Plot twist: we all join Kayla’s program and leave this forum.
@gigishopper wrote:
Awww hell naw.. she just posted a video shop at 5G showing the employees faces!!!
@weatherman2111 wrote:
@gigishopper wrote:
Awww hell naw.. she just posted a video shop at 5G showing the employees faces!!!
Someone should alert Sheri to this.