Have you seen the mystery shopper that is all over social media posting her actual shops?

Of course she doesn't. This woman is a liar and grifter and has been removed from several Mshop companies for this behavior.

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She is filming the employees and showing their faces without their permission (unless this is all an act and she does have their permission-- in which case, it would not be a mystery shop). She also posted a video of her 20 shops in one day, which I do not think is even possible considering drive time to locations, required time to spend in the store and also time to enter reports (unless she waited until the end after her day was finished). She started during daylight hours and ended in the 4pm hour. The math, once again, is not mathing.

@mjt9598 wrote:

Sherri has already stated that she is banned from that MSC, so if she is really doing a shop there it would have to be one of her supposed "private arrangements" with the business, which is highly unlikely. As others have surmised, she is most likely just pretending to do shops to create content to sell her "course."
@weatherman2111 wrote:

@gigishopper wrote:

Awww hell naw.. she just posted a video shop at 5G showing the employees faces!!!

Someone should alert Sheri to this.
@utjk2006 wrote:

The fact she charges for a course makes her fraudulent. Every MSC pretty much tells you if you are asked to pay to shop it’s a scam. I could understand charging a few bucks maybe for a list of MSCs to get into the industry but $1,000 for a “course” is ridiculous lol.

As much as I would love to call her fraudulent, up charging something to X amount is anything but fraudulent, as long as she stated what's in it and what is being delivered matches. Based on the convo that I see here, it looks like she advertising her program to have more than 100 MSCs, while her documents and links claimed that she has 70 companies' foe her list, and that info is before people submit the payment... The most she has done so far is false advertisement.

Do I like her? No I most certainly not. Have I watched her video? No I do not even have a tiktok account, nor do I have the time for that. But based on the posts she made in the previous thread, she is definitely not trust worthy in my opinion, but then again, it's just my opinion.

And lastly, selling free info for a price isn't a scam or fraud. She finds a way to package that free info and sell it to those who seek the info. She is selling a service in exchange of convenience. It's no difference than selling a X for dummies book. All info inside the book is free and public info, someone put everything together into a "easy to find" platform for those who need the info but has no time or no resource to piece thu all the details, and earn a profit out of that.
@Porlatte wrote:

Thanks everyone! I'm not sure what I could say as a reason to do a charge back. I looked at all emails she sent & the info she said I would receive for paying for the course lines up.
She states in the emails that she has 67 companies on her list & I checked the list. With merchandising companies included it's 70 companies on the list plus Canadian companies as well. From what I can see so far, she's selling information that can be obtained for free but I don't think that's illegal, just scummy.
I want to make sure I have the facts straight since this is my only bank account and I can't afford to lose it.

You can still try, you can tell the rep that you made your decision based off her advertisement in the video, and that could potentially count as false advertisement / item not as describe. Would it go thu? It's 50/50 cos she did also put into wording saying there's only 70 MSC, but her advertisement is also there for everyone to see. It doesn't hurt to try.
@mfisherri wrote:

Of course she doesn't. This woman is a liar and grifter and has been removed from several Mshop companies for this behavior.

Any chance you all could C&D her?
I'm not defending @ServiceAward. I think he/she was trying to provide a different perspective about this person thinking outside the box. Forget all the other actions...if Kaylan had "packaged" free information and sold it and people bought it, would it be wrong?

Maybe the way Kayla is creating content to drive interest might be misleading for mystery shopping...she at least is doing what she set out to do and monetize the free information.

I cannot speak for @serviceaward, but I think that is what this person was trying to get at. While many of us despise how Kayla is going about it, she has at least created interest and we have 1 new member who paid a considerable amount for it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2025 10:02PM by hbbigdaddy.
Well, now we will have to stomach the comments that will come from two recent and particular posts. (Nothing against the posters.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2025 10:32PM by purpleicee.
I have.
She claims no wrong although I have the receipts.

I listened to her live stream today, it's unsettling how much inaccurate information she is providing...Maybe her training course is different. Surely is sad she's getting people to pay for information they can find for free with a little research.

Maybe someone is contracting or paying her for the PR, but it's certainly not us nor a couple of other mshop providers I know she's PO'd.

@weatherman2111 wrote:

@mfisherri wrote:

Of course she doesn't. This woman is a liar and grifter and has been removed from several Mshop companies for this behavior.

Any chance you all could C&D her?
@mfisherri wrote:

I have.
She claims no wrong although I have the receipts.

I listened to her live stream today, it's unsettling how much inaccurate information she is providing...Maybe her training course is different. Surely is sad she's getting people to pay for information they can find for free with a little research.

Maybe someone is contracting or paying her for the PR, but it's certainly not us nor a couple of other mshop providers I know she's PO'd.

I doubt her training course would be any different than what she post on live stream as the people who attend to her course are also the people who attended to her "training". I am also not sure how someone want to contact her for the PR just to have her releasing wrong info
@mfisherri wrote:

I have.
She claims no wrong although I have the receipts.

I listened to her live stream today, it's unsettling how much inaccurate information she is providing...Maybe her training course is different. Surely is sad she's getting people to pay for information they can find for free with a little research.

Maybe someone is contracting or paying her for the PR, but it's certainly not us nor a couple of other mshop providers I know she's PO'd.

@weatherman2111 wrote:

@mfisherri wrote:

Of course she doesn't. This woman is a liar and grifter and has been removed from several Mshop companies for this behavior.

Any chance you all could C&D her?

Wow, and she's still doing this? At what point do you start taking enforcement action?
Not to beat a dead horse about her videos, but that TY reset one, I do not believe she was actually speaking to anyone when she walked into that store and announced she was doing that. She was just talking on her phone, recording it for her audience as she was walking in that store and just briefly looked that way, no one was there. Someone was in the far distance at the counter with a customer. And in the blindspot on the right, I do not think anyone was standing there in front of the entrance doors. I say: "Hoax."
The dead horse has had an exorcism three times. At this point, the links to all of her platforms might as well be pinned in New Mystery Shoppers.
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