@gigishopper wrote:
ServiceAward, no one is hating on her and I have not seen anyone else to the extent of her dishonesty. Please, show us all who else we need to "hate on." There is a social media influencer in my area who also sells a similar product and appears to be reputable. Her content aligns with everything that I know to be true about mystery shopping (and I have been shopping for 20 years) in my area of the country. She does not exploit fast food workers or any client for that matter and she does not create false and misleading social media posts.
You asked us to stand up to the bullies and hypocrites here...so I am.
@ServiceAward wrote:
There is definitely a bunch of haters here. They have latched on to this one woman, yet conveniently ignore the dozens of others who do the same thing. Why she is singled out, I don't know, other than the fact she is a woman and women like to put women who have something going on down.
If someone does not want to do the leg work to sign up with every msc just to see if they have a shop in their area, that is their business.
I appreciate those of you who have messaged me your support. I ask you have the courage to stand up to the bullies and hypocrites here publically so they know all thier crazy rambling is just that: Crazy.
You people call her a fraudster, grifter, accuse her of taking advantage of others, and now you call me a bully, simply because I share an opinion that is different from yours. That is literally the very definition of a bully. You people put yourself on a high horse and make yourself morally superior. You scream that she is violating her IC agreements, yet everybody here does just that. Many IC agreements contain a clause that states you are not even suppose to disclose that a client is even shopped, yet this forum is built around just that. It is certainly up to the MSCs to clamp down if they want, but the truth is they do reap some benefit of it. The same is true with Kayla.
How many times do new people come to this forum and want to know what shops are available in a certain area? Or, maybe they want to know if a certain business is shopped. Indeed, some will chime in with helpful answers. There are an equal number of people who respond with answers similar to, "I had to do the research without help, so you need to sign up and do the same." There is nothing wrong with that type of response, because if you want to protect your own business, there are times to do that. However, if that new shopper wants to go to pay Kayla for doing all the leg work, that is their business and right to do so. My gosh, in the other thread, a forum member called people 'fools' for taking the $5 USPS shop fee. You seemed to see my point in that thread. What if a new shopper come here and see comments like that? Right from the gate, someone on their high horse has labeled them a 'fool,' without knowing their situation. It is shameful. I have observed many posts like that many times over the 18 months or so I've been here. Not everybody is like that, thankfully, but I see some of the same people who do that, also complaining about Kayla and acting as if they actually give a rat's butt about her clients. If those people came here, they would be the first ones to tell them to do their research. My larger point is about the moral superiority that runs rampant on this forum. @Cassiespark, so emotional and involved in their feelings over little 'ole me, wants to provide me with their LinkedIn profile to prove how much money they make? That's psycho! If I didn't know better, I would take that as a flirt.
The little girls on the school ground always did like to pinch and hit me when I was going down the slide. But really, people shouldn't do that here. I already have a very lovely woman.
In all seriousness, we can agree to disagree. I've said what I needed to say on all of this and I am moving on. You are good with me, and I hope I'll be good with you. Take care.