P66 Moved

@mystery2me wrote:

I use duplicate photos of the first ID and they get approved.

Do you get all 10's or a lower score?

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They aren't giving scores now that they are in Presto. I also have been using duplicate photos until they fix the glitches.
@Dino29 wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

I use duplicate photos of the first ID and they get approved.

Do you get all 10's or a lower score?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2025 04:54PM by mjt9598.
@Dino29 wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

I use duplicate photos of the first ID and they get approved.

Do you get all 10's or a lower score?

I scored $22. Mjt is right, I see no other score.
Well, here are 2 bits of info:

The Conoco guidelines do have info about some of the questions in the quiz.

Starting the 20th of January, shoppers are supposed to give the employee a reward of some sort if they pass certain questions on the report.
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