P66 Moved

It looks like P66 jobs have moved from Sassie to Presto. I'm not happy about this. I really don't like the Presto App. It takes forever to get it to work while you are out in the field.

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I am happy about it. I had been hoping they would move. It works well for me, and saves a lot of time.
I just used thecpresto app for Shell and it took about an hour to complete. Hopefully this will be easier
Picked one up to check it out. Now has a rewards code for meeting certain criteria. I am unable to get the code button to pop up. Maybe it will change once I complete all the fields during the shop.
@French Farmer wrote:

Ah yes.
And, the qualification test, once again, has a few trick questions.

Yes, and some answers can only be found in the specific branding documents that we cannot see until we accept a shop. But we cannot accept the shop until we pass the quiz. If you did them last quarter you might have those instructions. I did not so I had to keep guessing until I got the right combination of the last three answers.

And the shop form has a whole bunch of glitches in it. You'll see. Once again, throw it to the Shoppers and let them figure it out. Don't check to see if it's right first.
That is what I was worried about. I never used this app until last month when I did 2 shell jobs that were out of the city limits. I spent an hour at each location just trying to complete the jobs to make sure I did not miss anything. I think with P66 I will just take pictures and do the reports at home.
@cindycribbs wrote:

Let us know if it is the pretty much the same questions and photos needed.

Yes, exactly the same. There are guidelines for giving out the rewards code, but the button for the code never appears. And you have to submit photos for a secondary ID even if there is none. And now we have to select the type of branding, fusion etc , instead of it being pre-selected.
AND there's a 24-hour deadline. I'm wondering how CoolMusic is going to plan his routes!
I saw that and figured it would take me out for most of them because I plan my routes at least a week ahead for trips out of town. I am starting to feel like this MSC does not think for one second about the people doing the jobs. They started with the Valero's last year making them available for 3 days and you had to figure out if you could reschedule for farther out. They NEVER answer any questions you have and they just seem to be making it more and more difficult to actually do any work for them.
I have notified the project manager of the numerous glitches and errors in the survey. Hopefully they will get the bugs worked out soon.
@cindycribbs wrote:

I am starting to feel like this MSC does not think for one second about the people doing the jobs.

Starting? Aww, cindy, it's been crystal clear for a couple of years now. I admire your optimism, though!
I tried to keep a positive outlook.I wanted to be hopeful, but they are making it so darn difficult
Because I saw this thread I went and looked. there are 2 types of P66 shops. There are lighting audits, similar to the BP dark audits. And then there are the usual EIA shops, I took and passed the certification on the first try. If you've ever done an EIA shop the answers should be very easy. There are no trick questions at all, but there are general knowledge questions.

Now we wait, when they start getting acceptable pay increases we'll be busy shopping..
The questions about the credit pricing were worded kind of ambiguously. I know cash/credit pricing is common in many areas, but it is rare around me, so I hardly ever have to worry about it. I basically guessed every combination of the last questions until I got it right, and I still don't understand the answers..
Can anyone tell what the answers to the last three were correct? The answers are not in the guidelines.
what were the questions? I got it right the first time around and can't see the questionnaire anymore.
@Rubi wrote:

Can anyone tell what the answers to the last three were correct? The answers are not in the guidelines.

They're not in the guidelines you see before the test. They're in the guidelines you'll see AFTER passing the test and accepting the shop. Assbackward as per the MSC's typical M.O.

Honestly, I tried so many answer combinations, I don’t even remember which ones hit the jackpot.
Hopefully they will soon extend the deadline to longer than 24 hours. It makes it very hard to do a route when you can't schedule it until the night before, and have to worry about getting them all done in one day before dark.
P66 shops have always required pictures of both sides of the main ID signs. They give you a place to upload pics of a second ID sign, but it's not required if there isn't one, you just don't upload any pics there. And if Presto is forking that up, that's fine too, that kinda thing is why I take 2 or 3 of every picture, I always have spares to put in random places without uploading duplicate pics.
As of yet those 2nd ID sign pictures are currently mandatory. If left empty the form will not submit. I just put in 2 pictures of nothing (covered lens) lest they reject the shop based on the pictures being of something other than the second sign.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2025 09:41AM by sestrahelena.
My guess is that the Prestomap shops don't have as many bonuses as the Sassie shops. I usually waited until the fee was over $15. We'll see what happens. Any nighttime shops? (aka After dark).

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
All sites are currently available for both daytime and nighttime. They are the nighttime ones where you just take the photos without even having to get out of your car.
Making a route is why I hate Presto. You, quite frankly, can't. I wish they would remember that some shoppers do this for a living and need more than a day's worth of work at one time.
The secondary MID photos seem to be no longer required if there isn't a 2nd MID. My report today submitted without the secondary photos without issues.
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