Five Guys new questionnaire - what's with the 2 invoice uploads?

It's dumb the use the bags. I remember doing my first one back in 2009/2010 time frame. I got the bag and said "it's for here." I was told they do them all that way. So basically there is extra waste. what happens if someone doesn't bring a bag? Or they just hoping the "regulars" start bringing them?

@mysterioso412 wrote:

Out Five Guys is getting rid of paper bags "in the name of sustainability". There's a sign asking customers to bring their own bags in for their food. So, I'm not sure how that's going to work, for either the tickets or the sustainability.

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@hbbigdaddy wrote:

It's dumb the use the bags. I remember doing my first one back in 2009/2010 time frame. I got the bag and said "it's for here." I was told they do them all that way. So basically there is extra waste.


What is the difference if it is in a bag or on a tray? The other day I went to BK for lunch and the cashier put it in the bag.. I thanked the cashier and I ate it in the dining room.

It has been several years since I have done a Five Guys but if I remember right they put it in the bag..
@hbbigdaddy wrote:

@mysterioso412 wrote:

Out Five Guys is getting rid of paper bags "in the name of sustainability". There's a sign asking customers to bring their own bags in for their food. So, I'm not sure how that's going to work, for either the tickets or the sustainability.

What happens if you are out of town and you don't know about the bring your own bags.. Also half the people do not know how to read the signs.
The bag absorbs all of the grease! I’d prefer my grease to drip onto a tray liner instead ha ha.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2025 03:13AM by gigishopper.
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