wrong year!

ugh - just did a pizza shop where you write date and location inside the box and take pictures of the pizza in the box. Of course I wrote 1/2/24! Do you think it will be rejected?

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I don't know - it's an understandable mistake, but I guess it depends on whether you get an editor who's a picky-pooh or not. Let us know how it turns out.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
My guess is that it will be rejected. Yes, it's an easy mistake the first few days in the new year, but my guess is that are going to say "if you messed up that, then what else is incorrect on the shop?"
I hope @hbbigdaddy is wrong, but I think he is likely correct. If the incorrect date was confined to the shop report, I think you would be fine. Writing the correct date on the box is a quality control standard and I am pretty sure messing that up is the unforgivable sin.
If the receipt shows 1/1/25 then hopefully it would be OK. It was just a honest mistake
Keep us posted on this! Im curious too! I wonder if they would allow you to photoshop that part of the photo to corect the date and resubmit.
so they make you do this handwritten date thing on photos for quality control? I was always curious why they do this, as we can just as easily do a timestamp.
@ebit123 wrote:

so they make you do this handwritten date thing on photos for quality control? I was always curious why they do this, as we can just as easily do a timestamp.

I think it's so that you can't re-use the pizza pictures - they want it hand-written and not a digital time stamp.
I would try contacting the scheduler/editor, it is such a common mistake the first few days of the new year, and you have a receipt, hopefully they will let it go.
@joanna81 wrote:

@ebit123 wrote:

so they make you do this handwritten date thing on photos for quality control? I was always curious why they do this, as we can just as easily do a timestamp.

I think it's so that you can't re-use the pizza pictures

Correct, and ensuring the shopper actually bought the pizza on the date of the shop is a part of quality control. If you watch the guidelines, they periodically adjust what information they want you to write out. That is also part of QC on this shop.
@ebit123 wrote:

Digital dates on the photo are automatic shop rejection.

I meant the meta data date and time.
I don’t think it matters about the editor. The editor has specific guidelines to follow, just like the shopper. The editors want the shops to get finalized, if they don’t, the editor doesn’t usually get paid the full edit fee. Also, if editors send
something to the client that didn’t meet their guidelines, then guess who gets in trouble…. The editor. Too many editor errors can cause the editor to be removed from the client or the MSC all together.
Update everyone! They accepted my report with a score of 10 - with just a note to me to remember to put the correct year next time lol.
I did one shop that was due before midnight. I'm on the west coast. I finished the shop just after 10pm. My shop was rejected because the editor lived on the east coast. The guidelines said nothing about which coast you were one.
@ebit123 wrote:

Update everyone! They accepted my report with a score of 10 - with just a note to me to remember to put the correct year next time lol.

Thanks for letting us know. I was in suspense! Glad it worked out for everyone.
@ebit123 wrote:

Update everyone! They accepted my report with a score of 10 - with just a note to me to remember to put the correct year next time lol.

Awesome, I'm glad to hear that they were reasonable about it.
@ServiceAward wrote:

@joanna81 wrote:

@ebit123 wrote:

so they make you do this handwritten date thing on photos for quality control? I was always curious why they do this, as we can just as easily do a timestamp.

I think it's so that you can't re-use the pizza pictures

Correct, and ensuring the shopper actually bought the pizza on the date of the shop is a part of quality control. If you watch the guidelines, they periodically adjust what information they want you to write out. That is also part of QC on this shop.
Be sure to use the criteria for the date and location info from the most recently updated guidelines. I just did one and the example photos they provide in the report are NOT consistent with the newest guidelines. Most of the photos require ALL of the date and location info to be shown in the pictures. The "half turned over" and "all slices cut through" examples in the report do not show this info and will get your shop rejected. Thankfully I noticed this so I retook some photos where I had cut off part of the address. My shop was accepted.
Yeah last time I did it I just had to write the city and date. This time they wanted those things plus the street address. And it’s a long street name!
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