Shell and E/M Shops For the New Year

Today, January 2nd, 2025 starts the latest round of gas station shops for the "Big I" msc.

I did a couple (pretty darn cold here). So far, I've noticed this:
For the E/M shops, they are now asking for a photo of the front of the C-Store and the shop's name. Maybe it's just a simple name like Jack and Jill's Mobil or a big well known name. For me, I try to do the report for one of my first shops on site rather than upon arriving at home. Sure enough, I had to go and take a photo of the C-store. If you're using a digital camera rather than you smart phone, the E/M shops are now requiring a minimum photo size (1199 or better). This is much like what Shell required last year.

So far, the Shell shops are the same as last years.
However, there is this little tidbit I saw in my Email folder after the report submission:

"Your shop will be reviewed within 72 hours."

Since I delete most of those Emails, I cannot remember if this statement was there previously or it's something new. Nevertheless, I'm going to be vigilant as to how soon the shop is reviewed.

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E/M still requires a photo of the pump screen if no receipt prints, even though it is not mentioned anywhere in the guidelines or report form. Shell now has three (count 'em, 3!) extra infraction upload slots for each pump in addition to the overall pump pic. Shell also now asks how many gallons you purchased. The Shell POP supplement and report show the "Current" POP as that which went into effect 5/24 yet all the stations in my area have shiny new toppers with a different theme. Oh well, points off for new signage!
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