I think most people are aware that iPhones and Android phones have built-in stopwatches on the clock app, as that has been in the case for a long time.
The Mystery Stopwatch recorded the actual time as well as minutes and seconds, which no one has found on any other app. So, if you do a shop that wants to know the timings in a format such as 6:16:54 PM, etc., you don't have to spend any time calculating the times from the stopwatch.
Of course, the calculations can be made. But in the threads where people are asking for this feature, they want to know if there is an app that does what the other app did, not find out how to use a stopwatch or get a general stopwatch app.
If someone found an app with the feature, I would download it. It seems like it would be a simple feature to add, but other stopwatches just don't have that feature.
Here is a screenshot:
@purpleicee wrote:
@JimmyP live from North Korea, please tell what other features are so great about what the Mystery Shopping Stopwatch did - we want to know.