January Krogers

Anyone heard from their scheduler if Kroger shops will be released a day later in January?

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They'll be out Thursday.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Major snow and then bitter cold headed to my area starting this weekend. Not sure I will be taking many shops. Senior citizen here with old rwd car and fear of falling on ice. Not sure how forgiving schedulers are if you have to cancel due to weather related issues. I find when weather bad many Kroger stores have staffing issues canceled or delayed pick ups so not great time to shop. Had 5 hour delay recently on heavy rain day as staff called in and did not show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2025 02:31PM by OldmanJames.
James mentions--Not sure how forgiving schedulers are if you have to cancel due to weather related issues.

Bob comments-In Dec. of 2022, I requested to shop Friday's stores in BFE on Thurs. This due to an approaching storm and drop in temps; I was declined permission. On Fri., there was a level 2 snow emergency with near zero temps; I remained home. By Monday, the roads had been cleared and the sun was blazing in the 30s. I re-selected the stores, at an increase of $10 each. To my knowledge, my refusal to travel in the snow never affected our relationship. BUT, that may have been because I offered to shop the preceding day.
In the past, if I've had a weather problem on the date that I'm supposed to do a Kroger, I have rescheduled it myself, because we are allowed to do that one time. There have been a couple times when I've had to reschedule for other reasons, after I have already rescheduled a shop one time, and my scheduler acts annoyed, but reschedules it for me anyway.
Looks like reimbursement on pick ups has fallen to $25 plus any fees down from the $30 plus fees- as per email I just got from scheduler
Kroger shops available. Website is glitchy as hell.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
Not sure about that on the pickups, I will have to wait and see instructions.

Yes as more people log on it becomes laggier. It was sort of slow but if I waited the "select date" menu finally dropped. I took four now, will wait to see what's up with the pickups before I schedule more.

Note no change in our California instructions to the $10+$10 extra counter yet.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2025 06:20PM by melg.
Their website has a case of the ***ts today. Lord have mercy. From a pile of in-stores and fuels, I managed two fuels. I didn't see any pickups. It's impossible to log back in now.

ETA: From my fingers to god's ears. I'm back in, but it shows every single shop is gone, which I find hard to believe. Sometimes I think the shops aren't worth the aggravation.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2025 06:22PM by drdoggie00.
I'm getting the, "To Request this Shop, you must contact and the scheduler's email. Anyone else getting this?

NM figured it out.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2025 06:25PM by whosear.
Pickups have not yet posted. It is glitchy but patience young grasshopper...

If you stay on the page for a minute, the pick a date menu should drop down. As I said above. It is just slow and laggy and it will get worse when pickups post.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2025 06:25PM by melg.
Making two excursions out of state because of rotation.. It's fine. The site is really slow, but it's better than it has been previously, so I don't have a lot to complain about. Got most of what I wanted, now just waiting for pick ups.
Guessing Pick up shops have posted. Getting the glitches again.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
Got two before the site locked up.

ETA It's better now but many shops are gone! I got what I wanted but still seem to maxed out on self assign at my closed store, or otherwise blocked for unknown reasons. I guess I will find out next month!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2025 07:30PM by melg.
I have two as well. All others getting contact the scheduler. Either slow or a new limitation.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
@melg wrote:

Got two before the site locked up.

ETA It's better now but many shops are gone! I got what I wanted but still seem to maxed out on self assign at my closed store, or otherwise blocked for unknown reasons. I guess I will find out next month!

I think I'm also up against a limit at my close store.

What a "fun" morning trying to book shops!
@Fatlady wrote:

Looks like reimbursement on pick ups has fallen to $25 plus any fees down from the $30 plus fees- as per email I just got from scheduler

Mine came in at the usual reimbursement rate of $30 for Kroger and $32 for Walmart.
So there were competitor shops this round? Did not see one on the list I had.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
who, there weren't any competitors in my area this round, we had competitors last round. I got some cool toys for my brand new shiny 3 year old grandson, and the new one on the way. And some baby clothes from Target.
We'll see if things truly "reset" next month, as I've been told. I get so tired of all the convoluted (and seemingly contradicting) rules and restrictions they have for these shops. I cannot think of any other client/MSC that makes you jump through so many hoops.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2025 03:26AM by drdoggie00.
After running CC Cleaner, I was able to re-enter. I followed Melg's suggestion to wait a few seconds for the page to show the dates section; it worked perfectly from that point until I was finished.

Thanks to Melg for his/her post.
I was having all kinds of trouble. I switched to the Safari browser and had better luck.
The email has the pay as a $25.00 reimbursement and up to $30 to cover fees if charged. The actual shop sign-up is the same as last year--$30 to cover reimbursement and any fees.
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