I appreciate this forum for many reasons. A few weeks ago, I asked if one could hit 6 figures doing mystery shopping. The answers were great. I've been at this for over 20 years now. I started doing it full-time in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Between 2021 and 2023 I almost hit that six-figure number every year in just fees alone. I live in a major metropolitan city and I will travel for the right price. I tend to go for the better-paying gigs. I also like the quick and easy shops that might not pay as well, but I can them them done quickly.
When 2024 hit I was rolling along until somewhere mid-year. I saw a change in what was out there and available. Shops that used to be readily available, all of a sudden were being snatched up more quickly for lower fees. Towards the end of the year, the work dried up. December has been a deserted wasteland for shops.
What happened? What changed?
In my opinion, inflation is one reason. People have less money now and are doing more work like mystery shopping.
My second opinion is that people are tired of working for other people and gig jobs like mystery shopping provide people with a side hustle to make easy cash. A certain generation of society is also very lazy and wants easy money.
A third opinion is that these MSPs are getting more creative in finding people to do their jobs.
Lastly, I believe this to be a fact. MSPs and companies in general are looking for ways to save money. Inflation will do that and I've seen this before during these times. Some MSPs have slashed their fees and others will give it to the lowest bidder.
I was on track in 2024 to match my previous 3 years' income, but the wheels did fall off mid-year for me. I will still have a respectful year and I made plenty of money. I think 2025 will start rough and get better as the year goes on.
I don't see 6 figures happening unless I want to work a lot more hours and burn myself out. I'm not interested in doing that.
I know 3 owners of mystery shopping companies. Two of them sold their businesses and the third one merged with a larger company. The one thing they all told me was that there was no money in mystery shopping like there used to be. I can see that.
Looking ahead, I have some lofty goals for 2025. I can't get where I need to be if 2024 repeats itself. I think I need to expand my horizons to achieve what I want next year.
Buckle up, the mystery shopping seas may get rougher.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2024 04:30AM by Bob Stone.