A Kroger best buy.

At least in SW Ohio, every Thurs. Kroger reduces their roast chicken from $8 to $5. It is not a bantam bird, is available hot or cold and is, according to my taste, seasoned in a manner to complement, as opposed to masking, the flavor of the meat.

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I haven't seen any roast chickens for $5. But I also only shop at Kroger very very rarely on Thursdays. I do my best to get as many fuel points as I possibly can, so I mostly shop on Fridays and do the competitors and things that don't get me a lot of fuel points, like fuel shops, on other days.
The deli take and bake pizzas are $3 off on Monday so $5. We've been really surprised by the quality and flavor!
Food, take and bake suggests that the $5 pizza is raw; is that correct? The reason I ask is that my oven lacks the ability to raise a pie to the temp I enjoy.
Due to the coming snow storm, I moved a Monday Kroger to Sunday. While conducting the shop, I inquired as to if the Monday $5 pizza were raw. The worker stated I would have the option for them cooking the pie while I shopped/waited; this at the same $5. My next Monday Kroger that offers the pizza is 01/20 AND they have a combo. I will update this post with my opinion of both the taste and value.

As the $5 Thurs. roasted chicken is, in my opinion, a winner, I will be surprised if the pizza is not likewise.
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