A Kroger best buy.

At least in SW Ohio, every Thurs. Kroger reduces their roast chicken from $8 to $5. It is not a bantam bird, is available hot or cold and is, according to my taste, seasoned in a manner to complement, as opposed to masking, the flavor of the meat.

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I haven't seen any roast chickens for $5. But I also only shop at Kroger very very rarely on Thursdays. I do my best to get as many fuel points as I possibly can, so I mostly shop on Fridays and do the competitors and things that don't get me a lot of fuel points, like fuel shops, on other days.
The deli take and bake pizzas are $3 off on Monday so $5. We've been really surprised by the quality and flavor!
Food, take and bake suggests that the $5 pizza is raw; is that correct? The reason I ask is that my oven lacks the ability to raise a pie to the temp I enjoy.
Due to the coming snow storm, I moved a Monday Kroger to Sunday. While conducting the shop, I inquired as to if the Monday $5 pizza were raw. The worker stated I would have the option for them cooking the pie while I shopped/waited; this at the same $5. My next Monday Kroger that offers the pizza is 01/20 AND they have a combo. I will update this post with my opinion of both the taste and value.

As the $5 Thurs. roasted chicken is, in my opinion, a winner, I will be surprised if the pizza is not likewise.
As more snow is forecast and I use the Kroger shops to offset travel expenses to my store suppliers, I now have a Kroger scheduled for Mon. 01/13 to try their $5 pizzas.

Today, I had 4 shops and purchased 3 chickens; one of the stores was out of stock. At one of the delis, a worker mentioned the company was considering offering the 8 piece breaded bird, normally $9, for $6 on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
My scheduler helped me rework my entire list of shops this round because of the snow. I was supposed to drive to GA today in 6 in. deep snow and ice. Now rescheduled for early next week after most of the ice should be off the roads, at least during the day.
My past Kroger $5 chickens were all eaten hot, so today I tried one cold. This to ascertain the bird's flavor; I prefer my food at least warm.

I was quite surprised I actually enjoyed my cold chicken lunch. Appox. 1/3 of the meat filled my stomach; I am currently at 240 lbs. That brought my cost to $1.66; a steal in today's economy.

Tomorrow, I will be commenting on my first Kroger $5 pizza. First, though, a reminder that the cost will be subtracted from my $9 reimbursement, BUT, there are not any goofy pics nor specific ordering requirements. I am down for the customary order of the 50s; everything but anchovies.

Edited on 01/13--Unfortunately, the Kroger I shopped today, being the oldest, 1958, and smallest, 5 registers, in my area, did not offer the option to heat pizza. Next Monday, though, I have a job at a store that opened 20 yrs. ago and is at least six times the size. I will again edit this post on 01/20.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2025 10:04PM by shopperbob.
shopperbob updates - Tomorrow, I will be commenting on my first Kroger $5 pizza. First, though, a reminder that the cost will be subtracted from my $9 reimbursement, BUT, there are not any goofy pics nor specific ordering requirements.

Okie comments - Regarding the goofy pics and specific ordering requirements, I cannot help but laugh and agree.
Your $5 specials are now $6 in California. They are posted on a banner ad across the store front.
One of them is the sliced turkey or provolone, I think Tuesdays. Or maybe Thursdays, LOL.. I should probably make a note, it's not easy to find on the website.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2025 09:52PM by melg.
Before I comment on the pizza, either I misunderstood what the deli worker had stated or he was mistaken. The store does NOT fire the pie.

As a young boy, the only pizza order I recall was "everything but anchovies. In my 30s, I was so fond of Godfather's pies, hey were the only ones I ordered.

Now for my opinion of Kroger's Italian Supreme. I rate the value as 4 stars and the taste as 2; it averaged out at a 3. I enjoyed the meal and will be scheduling a Monday shop for the future.

A final comment. I am NOT a picky eater. The only foods I avoid are sauerkraut. all livers and mac & cheese. I am able to at least eat all other foods available to me.
Bob, we have some things in common.. except, I love Sauerkraut. I'll eat livewurst on rye with spicy mustard and tomatoes, but I don't and won't eat any other type of liver. And I don't eat any type of pasta, and especially not mac n cheese, I just can't abide slimy wheat products anymore.
Turkey Tuesday, easy to remember. I had an in store shop yesterday so ordered at the Deli Counter. Deli staff suggested that I just ask for the number of slices I wanted rather than a weight. I did that again today for some cheese.

Today was $6 Chicken. So far the first of three instores where they marked the time prepared on the "Dial" sticker. This is my favorite store in our area, always. Even better than the "Fresh Fare" in the "Fancy" neighborhood.
Today's 2 birds averaged 3.84 lbs. Not capon weight, but each was definitely enough, by adding 2 sides, for 4 diners.

Okie, both are Home Chef Garlic & Herb.
shopperbob, Thanks! I meant to ask one of the stores I visit about possible weekly deals.

I've received personalized/targeted digital coupons through the app for past purchases. I buy specific items, where the coupons come in handy. Lately, I've been receiving similar coupons in the mail, too. Often, the coupons can be tacked onto already discounted items.
Our daily deals ($5 or $6 in California) are on a huge banner across the store front. I think they are M-Friday only? There may be a $6 Friday sush deal in California stores with sushi departments.
Thanks, I think I saw some of the Snowfox sushi deals at some of my local Kroger. I really am a picky eater though. I like sushi/sashimi, but very selective from where.
Since I began this thread, I have learned a bit about the Kroger $5 days.

Monday--Pizza, with my choice being the Supreme.
Tuesday--Sandwiches, with all I have inquired about being cold.
Wednesday--Sushi, a food I had never eaten, As they seem to have a variety, perhaps I need to try other flavors, but I was not impressed.
Thursday--There are four possible flavors, but the size of the store seems to dictate availability. I have tried the Savory, Garlic & Herb and Lemon Pepper. Hands down, I much prefer the Garlic & Herb, but to date, I have not visited a market that offers the 4th flavor.
Some of the Kroger I visit will have unsold discounted donuts/bakery items into the evening.
Today, Tues. 03/-4, I had my first $5 sandwich and my first $5 salad. In addition, I tried the Kroger brand $3.99 sandwiches; I had 4 stores today. Hands down, the $3.99 items won the day. Below is my opinion of the weekday specials:

Mon. pizza--4 star value & 3 for taste.
Tues. salads & sandwiches--2 star for both value & taste.
Weds. sushi--I am unable to determine value & 1 star for taste.
Thurs. chicken--4 stars for value and 3 for taste.
Fri. donuts--No rating, as I do not eat that food.
Every day $3.99 sandwiches--4 star value & 3 for taste. I tried both turkey & cheese and ham & cheese. I am also a fan of both their potato salad and loaded salad, but only when the food is discounted.
Interesting, your specials are completely different than ours. Today I had some good markdown specials, best was 50 cents for a half gallon of Simple Truth milk (best by tomorrow and you can freeze nonfat milk). Markdowns seem to be at manager discretion. I try not to look at those mark down donuts, but if they have the mini butter croissants half off I'll get them, they freeze nicely too.

PS they had also marked down those chickens half off, they were in the deli chiller.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2025 04:18AM by melg.
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