Smoking Pot

Marijuana, Hash, Pot, Wacky Tobacky, Ditchweed, Joints, etc. Whatever you refer to it as.

I have a pretty sensitive nose. I can detect a cigarette smoke, a cigar smoker, someone with too much cologne or perfume and even an imbiber of alcohol.
So, when I have been doing my gas station shops, in a state, mind you, that has legalized Marijuana, I can smell it.
I've noticed it reeking from cars and their drivers when they pull into the station, and I have noticed it inside the C-store.
And there is the issue, inside the C-store is troublesome. Is it coming from a customer or is it the employee? Often, it's easy to tell - the customer is right there and the smell, much like a cigarette smoker sticks to them.
But sometimes, it seems like it's the employee who is reeking of the stuff. What to do?
I've never reported it as such. The employee does not seem stoned or wasted and, I am not sure how I would even report it as the only evidence I would have would be the pot odor coming off them.
Unless, of course, they were behaving erratically.

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Is it a question on the report? If not, then why worry about it?

Lots of people nowadays looking to escape their reality. I've never tried it nor had any interest. I am too much of a cheapskate to be someone who smokes or does illegal drugs.

I don't mind having a nice cocktail every now and again, but I usually look at price per ounce to see if it is worth it to me. Hard to beat that Costco margarita bottle for $9

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2024 10:09PM by hbbigdaddy.
I wouldn't report it. Of course, one time I had a clerk light up a joint... while on register... while I was looking for an item during the mystery shop... in a state where it is illegal to do so. Yes, that was reported but is a different situation.

There was one station I mentioned, "a strong marijuana smell inside the store" (a station brand that has you write a quick narrative), but left it at that. I wouldn't make a direct accusation unless it was what I mentioned above.
What's to report if it is legal? Even if recreational use is not legal, it could be lawful medical use.
I live in an area where both legal and illegal drugs are popular, along with other vices. Many of the c-stores/gas stations I audit have some type of drug issue going on. Valeros, which is the most common station here that is audited, tends to have a more druggie crowd, from employees to customers. There are several stores where I know for a fact drugs are sold out of and where employees use. Like the OP, my nose can detect certain smells quite easily. I have been around a lot of people who smoke weed. Though I have never tried it nor would I, I've had multiple contact highs over the years. It is terrible. I got the absolute worse headache and it would be very hard to think clearly. I'm not around those people anymore, but I can still recognize the smell a mile away. I told my mom recently that the guy a couple houses down for us goes out to his van to smoke weed because I can smell it every time I'm out there and he is the only one around.

Last night while I was picking up my mobile order at Taco Bell, some dude in the drive thru asked the young girl working if she smoked. She told him no, then he told her, "try this." She refused, but he kept holding his hand out and I guess she didn't know what to do so she took it. She immediately went outside with it and threw it in the dumpster. I was glad to see that. These were all young people, probably mostly high schoolers working. I told them, never, ever smoke anything someone gives them, especially a stranger. Stuff is getting laced with fentanyl and, even if it isn't, if someone gives you K2 (synthetic weed) that stuff is laced with Raid and like poisons and it makes you out of your mind and incredibly strong.

I write up any drug activity going on at c-stores, legal or not. Most gas companies do not what that activity going on. As a mystery shopper/auditor, whatever is going on at that location that could impact the bottom line of that business IS my business. It should be yours, too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2024 04:36AM by ServiceAward.
It's legal here, but not just everywhere. It isn't legal at work just like drinking wouldn't be.
I think I'd report a strong marijuana smell inside the C-store.
It wasn't the smell but the behavior, which I was quite familiar with, having worked in a restaurant with herion addicts. And only because the report asked if checkout was fast and accurate. I marked no and put a comment something to the effect of: For each transaction, the cashier, with eyes half-closed and swaying slightly back and forth, took an unusually long time to look at the cash register before choosing appropriate keys. This created a long wait time to check out as the line grew longer.

Just the facts.
I too, can smell everything. I can tell if someone has an ear infection, rotten tooth and much more, along with what has been mentioned here. I have been called 'the Labrador' and 'the Lab,' for years. It can be a blessing and a curse, depending on the situation. I know I drive a lot of people crazy when I mention what I smell. I do report it if it can be worked into the details of a shop professionally and is necessary, since they usually want us to paint a picture of what occurred.
If you're in a legal state and it's not a question on the report, and the employee seems fit for duty, I would not mention it.
I'm not sure if you were smelling smoked or unsmoked marijuana, someone could have a bag of some stank stuff and just have it in their pocket for after work and it can be smelled by others.
I like ServiceAwards post.

If you can smell it in the the store, legel or illegal, smoked or not, just comment what you experienced. Isn't that what we're being paid for? Our observations? Not our judgment?
I can only relate to this by a story about my workplace. One of the staff was originally from Bangledesh. He wore a leather jacket to work every day which reeked of strong curry. He hung it over his chair and even tho i absolutely love Indian food and curries of all sorts smelling strong curry on the job or tobacco or fish or garlic or really anything could be noxious after a while especially if the smell permeates the entire area. I would think the company might want to know about this as it could be an annoyance to customers and other staff as well. They do ask about stained uniforms often so I would think they might also be interested in strong odors.
You people need to do some shrooms. It will completely change your negative perceptions. Been smoking pot for over 40 years. No issues with it at all. I don't smoke during work times, unless I'm sitting counting cars or doing EV counts.
Let me take a "hit" now and read your negative posts ! smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
@claabe wrote:

You people need to do some shrooms. It will completely change your negative perceptions. Been smoking pot for over 40 years. No issues with it at all. I don't smoke during work times, unless I'm sitting counting cars or doing EV counts.
Let me take a "hit" now and read your negative posts ! smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley

I do not give a crap what you do in your own home, on your own time.

I do care what you do at work or in my place of business, whether you are my employee, a customer, or someone loitering on the business property.

As a mystery shopper or auditor, it is my job to report the things asked about or, mention things in comments that the average consumer might notice and it could impact the business. That literally is the job. You have no business doing this work, if you cannot grasp that concept.
The experience a bonafide customer has it what's reportable. I've been in states where either recreational and/or medical was legal, other states not. I've had shops where the staff allowed local panhandlers to congregate on their property or at their door.

Rules I try to live by are 1) When in Rome, and 2) Was there something "off" about a place other customers would feel negatively about.

I'm not there to resolve or change the world, just state the facts of what's observed.

Regarding an employee smoking while at the register, it's not my problem interpreting State smoking's my role to report what I see without being biased.

Regular unbiased reports submitted help the businesses determine if they have trends developed that THEY need to address...not mystery shoppers playing Gestapo.
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