Panda Express 9/10

After performing these shops for years and consistently receiving perfect scores, I’ve recently received a string of “9/10”s with no comments or explanations.

Now, don’t get wrong, it’s fine as long as I’m paid. But it is slightly irritating. I mean, if there’s something specific that they’d like me to do different, why not share it?

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@DT wrote:

After performing these shops for years and consistently receiving perfect scores, I’ve recently received a string of “9/10”s with no comments or explanations.

Now, don’t get wrong, it’s fine as long as I’m paid. But it is slightly irritating. I mean, if there’s something specific that they’d like me to do different, why not share it?

They don't always give 10/10 for panda ..I mostly get 9/10, if they think you needed to be remind of something for future reference, you get 8/10, if they need to return your shop for "re clarification" then it's 7/10 or below.

9/10 is most likely that they are making minor adjustments here or there for your jobs that doesn't really do anything wrong but to make it "better" per say
I had the same issue and thoughts on my last PE a few weeks ago. I agree 100% if there's something that I can correct in the future, why not share that info?
I was getting a couple of 9's on a gas station, and I couldn't figure out why. Like you guys, there was no explanation. I noticed the same editor was scoring me. When I received the last approval email, I emailed the editor and nicely asked what I could do to improve my score. She told me. She went into detail, too. I have since received a 10 on everyone I've completed. Maybe you can email (reply to their email after receiving the score) the editor and just see if they will reply. It can't hurt.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I was getting a couple of 9's on a gas station, and I couldn't figure out why. Like you guys, there was no explanation. I noticed the same editor was scoring me. When I received the last approval email, I emailed the editor and nicely asked what I could do to improve my score. She told me. She went into detail, too. I have since received a 10 on everyone I've completed. Maybe you can email (reply to their email after receiving the score) the editor and just see if they will reply. It can't hurt.

So if editor A scores the gas shop on 10-21-24 and you receive an "9" .. You do the same gas shop next month on 11-30-24 and editor B scores it as an 10.

Do they have certain editors that scores each shop or it who ever receives it first?
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I was getting a couple of 9's on a gas station, and I couldn't figure out why. Like you guys, there was no explanation. I noticed the same editor was scoring me. When I received the last approval email, I emailed the editor and nicely asked what I could do to improve my score. She told me. She went into detail, too. I have since received a 10 on everyone I've completed. Maybe you can email (reply to their email after receiving the score) the editor and just see if they will reply. It can't hurt.

Are you allowed to tell us what they said?
Please tell us. I keep getting 9/10 on Panda- strangely in the past always got 10/10 and no real change in my reports. My son says as long as I am paid who cares but it bugs me.
Isaiah: My error was how I was capitalizing a word that shouldn't have been capitalized. Petty, but understandable. Some editors just change it and keep going. Others won't change it without pointing me. This one seemed to be scoring all of my jobs, and she was pointing me for changing it. She was nice to tell me what I was doing wrong so I could fix it.

@Isaiah4031a wrote:

@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I was getting a couple of 9's on a gas station, and I couldn't figure out why. Like you guys, there was no explanation. I noticed the same editor was scoring me. When I received the last approval email, I emailed the editor and nicely asked what I could do to improve my score. She told me. She went into detail, too. I have since received a 10 on everyone I've completed. Maybe you can email (reply to their email after receiving the score) the editor and just see if they will reply. It can't hurt.

Are you allowed to tell us what they said?

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Other ways to get 9/10 on a gas station:

blue not Blue for uniform color

Reporting the gas price as $5.99 instead of $5.999

Dumb if you ask me.

I’d still like to know how I got a 9 not a 10 on my last Panda.
If one word is spelled wrong you get a 9 I heard.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2024 06:49AM by West90001.
And depending on the editor, one word could be spelled wrong or it could be spelt wrong.
Some people find it necessary to pick on things to justify their existence. Just makes them feel superior by marking someone down. Lately Panda food not great so have not signed on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2024 02:09AM by OldmanJames.
I was once told on a Panda shop that you always capitalize the name of an entree. For example, it would be Kung Pao Chicken.
I also got a couple of 9s recently where I usually scored 10. They told me that the pictures had to be at certain angle instead of top down. I wouldn't fret over this.
Yes. They changed the picture requirement and they will ding you for it if it's not close to a 45 degree angle.
Hi All, I haven't reached out to ask why. It irritates me enough to vent here with you. But I figure that, if they don't feel the need to take the initiative to share with me why they deducted a point, 'why should I care more than they do?'

Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques
@DRJ wrote:

Yes. They changed the picture requirement and they will ding you for it if it's not close to a 45 degree angle.

I have not done a PE shop in a couple of months.. Is this mention in the updated guidelines or they they forget to mention that?
@OldmanJames wrote:

Lately Panda food not great so have not signed on.

The food has never been great. Moderately acceptable at best.
@Isaiah4031a wrote:

@DRJ wrote:

Yes. They changed the picture requirement and they will ding you for it if it's not close to a 45 degree angle.

I have not done a PE shop in a couple of months.. Is this mention in the updated guidelines or they they forget to mention that?
It is mentioned in the guidelines. There are example photos too.

I just did two more and got two 10's. For me, it's not the photo angle or capitalizing the food items. I think that I possibly wrote too much. That's my guess.
@Isaiah4031a wrote:

Has it always been 45 degree angle or was it top to bottom?

Wonder why they changed it?

They used to want photos taken from directly above, but the instructions changed in the last couple of months to taking the photos at a 45 degree angle. From what I understand, it’s so they can get a better look at how much food you are served. That angle shows the serving size better.
@hamptonroadsva wrote:

@Isaiah4031a wrote:

Has it always been 45 degree angle or was it top to bottom?

Wonder why they changed it?

They used to want photos taken from directly above, but the instructions changed in the last couple of months to taking the photos at a 45 degree angle. From what I understand, it’s so they can get a better look at how much food you are served. That angle shows the serving size better.

I have never capitalized the entrée name, except "Beijing beef," for obvious reasons. And never was marked off for not capitalizing the other ones. I guess that is another example of different editors making their own added and unseen guidelines, lol.
I have a question about the packaging. The first time I did a pick up my package actually had a red sticker on it closing the top of the bag. The following time the plastic carry bag handles was just tied with a half knot. Before answering the question about whether the package was secure I looked at the instructions. There was a photo of a package with tied handles but I was not sure if that was a photo of the correct way or the incorrect way if there is no label. I marked it as ok but the packaging did not seem all that secure to me. So if the loosely tied bag handles ok?
@sandyf - The photograph on the guidelines show the bag handles tied shut with a white label between the two handles. And it states to "verify your order was sealed with an approved label (white, red, etc.)"
Another ‘9/10’ grade with zero reason provided. Oh well, they don’t care enough, I don’t care enough. I got paid (almost $30 plus reimbursement).

Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2025 08:35AM by DT.
@DT - Do you save the PDF copy of your report after submitting? If so, maybe look through it and see if you can spot your mistake, if any. Sometimes after it has already been submitted you may find you glossed over something and did not notice you did some type of small typo or something else.
Nope. The only thing I hold onto after submitting is the photos. I delete them after the shop is approved.

Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques
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