Shipping dimensions

@Cassiespark wrote:

I buy the 12x12x12 boxes in bulk and use them all the time. they will have the dimensions printed on the bottom, in case the clerk needs to reference that.
In a perfect world …
I’ve had clerks tell me that the printed dimensions have to be verified or that they are the interior dimensions. I’m glad you have reasonable clerks.

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Well I used to live in the Bay Area...smiling smiley And now I don't. Things are a bit more rational elsewhere its appears! (But far from perfect, and no good sourdough, no wine country and no great bridges where we live now!)

@BayShopper22 wrote:

@Cassiespark wrote:

I buy the 12x12x12 boxes in bulk and use them all the time. they will have the dimensions printed on the bottom, in case the clerk needs to reference that.
In a perfect world …
I’ve had clerks tell me that the printed dimensions have to be verified or that they are the interior dimensions. I’m glad you have reasonable clerks.
Exactly why I bake my own sourdough bread.
The clerks can be ridiculous imposing their own, made up restrictions and guesswork. I do the same as @Cassiespark stated, with the printed dimensions on the purchased boxes and do not have a problem.
even the box dimensions printed on the botom 12x12x12 they still measure them

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
@gene wrote:

even the box dimensions printed on the botom 12x12x12 they still measure them

Exactly what I am saying. Don't count on the clerk to approve the pre-printed dimensions. smiling smiley
@gene wrote:

sorry: i overlooked your post
Don't be sorry. I am just happy that somebody finally agreed with me!
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