How do you handle it when the audited person remembers you?

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@prince wrote:

I muddle through as best as I can and don't return to that location for a long time.

Yes, it was a long time since I visited---but he still remembered me (I think...don't know for sure).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2024 06:15PM by nc.
It depends on the audit. I don't mind if the gas station folks remember me. I don't change the way I do the jobs. Of course, I live in a very rural area with lots of tiny towns and cities that only get local customers, so they notice when someone who isn't a regular comes in.
@prince wrote:

I just carry out the job.
What kind of job was it?

A bank job (haha) to find out about investments.
In real life, I have to keep asking my bank the same questions about logging into my account. Because I don't log in and then it shuts me out.
I could have to keep asking the same investment questions because I didn't act on the info and now I need it refreshed. Helps to be an old lady sometimes lol.
Assuming it had been a few months, I would simply say that you did not act before and you needed to get the information again, then redirect.
Carpet cleaner guy came to my house again, maybe 7-8 years later. He said, "Do you want to pretend or cancel?" I chose to cancel. Awkward.
I did such job long time ago. I will not do it again. such guy can remember me 100%. But I got very valuable advice from him about my mortgage payments.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
I swear some of these employees have the memory of elephants. I've been remembered years after doing shops, especially at gas stations. I think it's my car they remember as it is unique. If it's a bank and they say I look familiar or something like that I just brush it off.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I had a banker move banks on me while I was doing a route of account opening inquiries. I just said I was interviewing bankers and finding the location that better suited me. So she went through her spill and sold me on her as my banker. She knew, but she played the part well.
@nc wrote:

@prince wrote:

I just carry out the job.
What kind of job was it?

A bank job (haha) to find out about investments.
Just tell them you've lost whatever literature they gave you and your memory isn't great, so you need to hear the investment options again.
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