She's right, you know...

So the GF just showed me the little year-end slide show her iPhone threw together.

As I was commenting on the various pics of Cooper, her Boston terrier, she said, "Yours would probably be a bunch of gas station bathrooms..."

Have synthesizers, will travel...

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Some of my friends on Faciebutts are gullible folks. they pass around those silly chain posts that says "post the last picture you took" It's always a gas pump or some broken concrete somewhere in a parking lot. So I just say that I can't, the pics on my phone are proprietary, and your silly chain ends here anyway.
My "memories" come up as food pictures...or as some call it, "food porn." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a phone dedicated for shopping for this reason. It is just an old phone I had and I just use the hot spot from my regular phone. So my primary phone is still filled with pet pics and all of their cuteness. The other phone, well, those pics are sad, restrooms, food stores, BORING.
@Datagirl wrote:

I have a phone dedicated for shopping for this reason. It is just an old phone I had and I just use the hot spot from my regular phone. So my primary phone is still filled with pet pics and all of their cuteness. The other phone, well, those pics are sad, restrooms, food stores, BORING.

I sold my old iPhone X to ceasesmith cuz she needed a new one.
So when I invest in a new device, I may have to keep my current iPhone 11 to do what you’re doing, so I can keep all of these silly shop photos off of my primary.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/08/2024 12:03AM by misspocos75.
When my grandson was younger, he would delete washroom, etc. pictures for me.
(After I was paid for those shops)
I actually (accidentally) sent a bunch of restroom photos to a family group text once. Some of them were really interested in learning about mystery shopping (so they said) but none ever did it.
My kids will look through my pics and say "Mom why do you have pictures of toilets?" lol
When I was regularly auditing gas stations, Google would make all kinds of lovely "memories" of my adventures. One time it put together a slide show of "similar shots." All the pictures were of gas station bathrooms. Google even added music to it. Of course, I had to save it. LOL
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