Kraft sticker placement

For those of you doing the Kraft sticker placement on various pies at a grocery store, any ideas on ways to quicken the job? I really should know better, but placing 250 stickers on all pies on the floor AND in the back storage freezers is really time consuming. The last store had them spread out between three freezers. Took way longer than I anticipated. I have three more stores to do. Not worth it for the pay.

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Haven't done pies, but I do....was it cream cheese last year? The first store took longer because it was the first store. Afterward, I was spending about 15–20 minutes on-site. I just grabbed a buggy when I walked in, checked in at the front desk and let them know I'd be going into the back so they were aware. Once I got the cream cheese, I put them all in my shopping cart and started placing stickers. I'd have a sticker on each finger. Once I had a pile done, I'd start re-stocking the shelf. I think I did a dozen store total, and only about 25% of those at back stock. I had a couple of stores that no stock at all, so that was less than a few minutes on site.
Takes up to 1 hour per store. The provider is paying $15 per store now so you are working for $15 an hour.
I just did 4 on Sunday. I basically just took a cart, notify the manager and start working at the bakery area. One way I like to do is to move an entire row of the pie to the cart in order to create an empty space. Then I start placing stickers on the other pie and re-build the row on the empty space. That way whenever I finished a row there's always an empty space for another row, until the end, then I put stickers onto the row that was in the cart and place them back on the table. As for the of the 4 store allowed me to go to the back and took pictures, but the other 3 did not grant me access at all...They just verbally told me if they have any in the back (They are either empty waiting for next shipment, or they received the shipment, but everything was still on the pallet waiting to be unloaded, which I am not allowed to work on that anyways)
@Bob Stone wrote:

Takes up to 1 hour per store. The provider is paying $15 per store now so you are working for $15 an hour.

Well, not even. Take off the 15% for federal self employment taxes and now you're at $12.75. + using your device, data plan, etc.
@kisekinecro wrote:

I just did 4 on Sunday. I basically just took a cart, notify the manager and start working at the bakery area. One way I like to do is to move an entire row of the pie to the cart in order to create an empty space. Then I start placing stickers on the other pie and re-build the row on the empty space. That way whenever I finished a row there's always an empty space for another row, until the end, then I put stickers onto the row that was in the cart and place them back on the table. As for the of the 4 store allowed me to go to the back and took pictures, but the other 3 did not grant me access at all...They just verbally told me if they have any in the back (They are either empty waiting for next shipment, or they received the shipment, but everything was still on the pallet waiting to be unloaded, which I am not allowed to work on that anyways)

This sounds like a good system. I did a similar method with the cream cheese stickers. Take out a whole row, sticker them up, then sort of rotate through the remainder.
@Bob Stone wrote:

Takes up to 1 hour per store. The provider is paying $15 per store now so you are working for $15 an hour.
But you're not counting driving time or report writing time.
@joanna81 wrote:

@Bob Stone wrote:

Takes up to 1 hour per store. The provider is paying $15 per store now so you are working for $15 an hour.

Well, not even. Take off the 15% for federal self employment taxes and now you're at $12.75. + using your device, data plan, etc.

Exactly….and taking time to read the shop criteria and driving to/from the assignment. Hard pass for me, more for everyone else!

Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques
One store didn't want me doing backstock and they only had 50 pies on display, so not too bad. The other store required all 240 stickers.

Next time my question will be, "How many stickers are you shipping per location?" Huge red flag that it'll be more than "quick and easy".

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I specifically asked about backstock since the number of stickers was so high, and I was assured there would be no work on backstock. When the emails came out and mentioned backstock, I asked again (I was thinking of picking more up) and was told it was an error. Then backstock was mentioned in the guidelines. Thankfully I only picked up a couple of locations and both bakery managers did not want me working on backstock as it would be too disruptive to them.
Let's all remember to check our shop logs after these pass through QC to make sure that the $5 per-location bonus has been added.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
And you aren't factoring in that most of these could take LESS than an hour, so there is that. I take the average time (once you get going) and use that as a guide.
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