Blue gas station

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Just snagged a remote one for $75 with a Lighting audit added. Nothing else showing in a 250-mile radius.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
New to this, but if I think I have the right gas station in mind, I think a good number of new ones posted. But for the longest time, they were sitting at $12. I completed one last night for $45. But I'm not sure, what is the amount you guys hold out for?
There are lots of Site Experience shops here, all at base $12. And they weren't posted at the beginning of the month like normal either. I don't know why they are there, or why they haven't had any pay increase yet if they are still doing them monthly.
These are more popular than I thought. Three stations within 15 miles of me, all in different directions, seem to have been claimed. I took a screenshot of the remaining ones, just to see how this turns out as the holidays approach.
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