Re supplementing. Yes, the nest egg from doing well some years + selling my companies is decent. I'm very conservative with it in that my business life and life in general NEEDS to be summarized like in the movie Apollo 13:
"Our mission was considered a successful failure, in that we never made it to the moon - but got home safely"
So still need to give family a good life, kids education, and good seed money for kids later on. Hence my plan:
40% cash - stuff that currently pays 5% (I'm only guy who hates low interest rates! LOL)
30% stocks - yes, I've missed much upside - but I can't afford downside.
20% real estate - townhomes in Millenial Mayberry lol.
10% corporate bonds - 5-7% payers.
Mystery Shopping is lunch money for me. Also down the road it might help me fatten DD's college pocket money.
It's been 4 years of hanging out now - I do love it BUT - ego. I *could* start a new business but 100% of my savings would be risked. IF I make it - I'd make millions. BUT if I fail - I'm done, out, no fallback. So I'm telling myself not t chase generational wealth------ and risk generational poverty. It's a stark choice.
I'm toying with taking a job. EGO hurts in that - I'd be "just an employee" an industry I was a leader in. But time has passed.
I might work for 3-4 years in case DD wants private college versus State. Also DS has a few special needs issues. I think he'll be fine - but a few years of income might let me put away a nicer safety net for him down the road.
Ups and downs! Gotta roll with the changes as REO Speedwagon says.