Test Taking assignment

I can't seem to find anything relevant in the search using those words. Trying to get some feedback on this Test Taking job where you are evaluating the security of the one giving the test and deliberately fail it (no idea what they are testing for anyway). Considering that the time on-site is 75 min and there is prep and a report after ... not sure it is going to be worth it even at $50, but it is close by so there is that.
If I could scroll my cell phone the whole 75 min that would be different lol !

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The threads I've seen many people feel bad about trying to fool the employees that you're cheating.

They have various certification tests. But you can't actually do a shop if you really want to take one of the tests to get certified for something in the next year. One of which is Comp TIA+ which is a certification for computer repair. I'm taking an online class for it now. But when I finish the class I will have to pass the test for certification.
PMP was another one and I can't do this because I have already have my PMP and Security+ so part of the requirements is I can't retake the exam. I did do this years ago and it wasn't bad. They're making sure that people aren't cheating or trying to bribe the examiners to pass.
It is a test center where you go to get certified for various things. For example, years ago, I wanted to be certified in coding and I needed to get credentialed as an RHIT, I took my assessment there. And then just a few weeks ago, my daughter went to the same place to take her teacher certification test. So there could be any number of tests being given there.

I would never do this shop because it is awful. Not only are you trying to trick an employee but I am sure that somehow it is a distraction to the test takers. It is a hard pass for me.
For the PMP exams, it can be taken online too, but more reliable at the test center. Was there a rotation period on these shops from when you last took an exam? I don't think I would want this on my record, but just curious. I guess I wouldn't mind failing something unrelated to my field.
I used to have to go to these testing centers every 2 years for my Smog License certification, and every 5 years for my ASE/ACT certs, that are required before I could take the Smog License test.

You don't get to take a test you need, they determine which test you have to take, and you are required to fail the test. The entire idea of the shop is to try to get the proctors to disregard the testing protocols. You're supposed to try to smuggle a piece of paper into the testing area, and you're supposed to take a restroom visit, and ask to get into the locker with your personal items to go to the restroom. And when it's over, and they give you the test results you're supposed "imply" that you will give them money if they will pass the test for you. You're not supposed to overtly offer a bribe, just imply that you would.

Basically you're trying to get someone fired. And I think that's wrong. But if you really want to do it anyway, the shops are offered by the naked folks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2024 02:03AM by Morledzep.
I can't stand it when companies drum up plans to fire people and involve others in the process. Just have a lay off, offer severance, be decent about it - instead of underhanded.
Ok, my two cents.
$50 is too low and sounds like Bare. I did multiple test center shops for another company; it paid much better and did not require me to fail the test. It required me to try to cheat (by sneaking notes on my person and bringing it into the testing room). I cheated successfully every time but one employee realized I was the shopper after I already cheated successfully and freaked out. That was uncomfortable and I was glad the shop paid much more than $50.

I was assigned food safety exams and passed them even though I had no background in the food industry other than helping out one of my parents' friends one summer in a cafeteria when I was a teenager.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2024 12:08PM by BusyBeeBuzzBuzzBuzz.
Hm, I view this shop more as compliance. It is shady to attempt to bribe them. I'm guessing most wouldn't take it, especially I think even more cameras and recording going on these days. But if they did take the bribe, I would feel bad for a bit. But in that role, I think ethics and adhering to compliance is of the utmost quality needed for that job.

It's been a while since I've gone to a testing center for post graduate and certification exams, but I remember it being heavily enforced with a locker, belongings, and fingerprint in some cases. One exam you could only bring one cheat sheet with you.

Unrelated, but for those Uber Eats / alcohol delivery compliance shops, I did limit myself on those until it was heavily bonused. After reading some stuff on Reddit, it was wasting their paid time even if they complied, where they could have been fulfilling a higher paying order.
I think I did an HVAC one back in the early days. One and done for me. Too much time + a hinky scenario are not a good combo, even for a hefty bonus.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
OH ... I see now. Glad you guys gave me feedback!! Not something I would feel ok doing - even though I can do scenarios pretty well, this is all just too much.

I may actually want to pass the food cert test someday (though my local HD didn't say they had testing available locally) so this will be a hard pass for many reasons.

@BusyBeeBuzzBuzzBuzz wrote:

$50 is too low and sounds like Bare. I did multiple test center shops for another company; it paid much better and did not require me to fail the test. It required me to try to cheat (by sneaking notes on my person and bringing it into the testing room). I cheated successfully every time but one employee realized I was the shopper after I already cheated successfully and freaked out. That was uncomfortable and I was glad the shop paid much more than $50.

I was assigned food safety exams and passed them even though I had no background in the food industry other than helping out one of my parents' friends one summer in a cafeteria when I was a teenager.
I can't see why anybody would have a problem with this shop. You are not trying to get an employee fired, you are ensuring they are complying with the rules. I realize in our liberal society where people are so worried about everybody's feelings and make excuses for them when they screw up that people who do these shops get shamed. If the protector is violating the rules and allowing someone to cheat the system, that is UNFAIR to the actual test takers. That behavior is deserving of one being fired. Period. There is nothing to feel guilty about. People need to start growing a backbone or find another line of work.

I've done many of these shops and everybody has always been in compliance. As far as bothering other test takers, you won't. Everybody has headphones that can be worn to block out the noise, but it is honestly very quiet. Raising your hand to go to the bathroom isn't going to bother anybody. You will almost always be spaced away from others. I've even been the only one there.
@ServiceAward wrote:

I can't see why anybody would have a problem with this shop. You are not trying to get an employee fired, you are ensuring they are complying with the rules. I realize in our liberal society where people are so worried about everybody's feelings and make excuses for them when they screw up that people who do these shops get shamed. If the protector is violating the rules and allowing someone to cheat the system, that is UNFAIR to the actual test takers. That behavior is deserving of one being fired. Period. There is nothing to feel guilty about. People need to start growing a backbone or find another line of work.

I've done many of these shops and everybody has always been in compliance. As far as bothering other test takers, you won't. Everybody has headphones that can be worn to block out the noise, but it is honestly very quiet. Raising your hand to go to the bathroom isn't going to bother anybody. You will almost always be spaced away from others. I've even been the only one there.


As someone who has taken a bunch of these for real certifications, I worked hard to study and pass and would want everyone who gets the credentials to do it the right way.

When I got my insurance license, I was in the test location and heard another test taker who failed the exam beg for another chance. They had taken it before, failed and failed again and wouldn't keep their job having not passed and they were upset and desperate.
My concern in this era of rampant data collection/sharing/selling is that the shopper's name might end up on some list of "cheaters" that could get shared beyond the scope of the shop or the company conducting the test without their knowledge. No thanks.
I've done this shop several times at different locations over the years. Once I actually passed the test! Got 86% on it, and I don't know how that happened, as I was trying to fail. Since I went through all the other parts of the guidelines, they paid me anyway.
My son works in one of these testing centers and I work at the same local college. I can't do these, but I do know that the testing center knows a shopper is coming and they get a detailed report showing various parts of the shop (they pull camera footage). The testing center must stay in compliance to stay open. This is necessary to catch any holes in their system. They do not sell data or keep a database of cheaters. The shopper's information is deleted.
Also, the ones that I have done would scan the vein in your hand. They didn't do fingerprints.
Hm, I currently don't see the shop, but maybe it'll get bonused! I never thought this shop would potentially be my first directly with the MSC. I always thought it would be the go cart or airport lounge.
@Susan L. wrote:

I've done this shop several times at different locations over the years. Once I actually passed the test! Got 86% on it, and I don't know how that happened, as I was trying to fail. Since I went through all the other parts of the guidelines, they paid me anyway.

I had to laugh at this. One of the ones I did I was so scared I had passed. It was a real estate exam. While I do not have a background in that industry, when I bought my first house I learned everything I could about the realtors role because I was scared of getting screwed over. When I was taking the exam, I was thinking, "Oh, know the answer to this!" I had to make sure I was selecting the most ridiculous answer. I proudly scored a 48. LOL
@foodluvr wrote:

@ServiceAward wrote:

I can't see why anybody would have a problem with this shop. You are not trying to get an employee fired, you are ensuring they are complying with the rules. I realize in our liberal society where people are so worried about everybody's feelings and make excuses for them when they screw up that people who do these shops get shamed. If the protector is violating the rules and allowing someone to cheat the system, that is UNFAIR to the actual test takers. That behavior is deserving of one being fired. Period. There is nothing to feel guilty about. People need to start growing a backbone or find another line of work.

I've done many of these shops and everybody has always been in compliance. As far as bothering other test takers, you won't. Everybody has headphones that can be worn to block out the noise, but it is honestly very quiet. Raising your hand to go to the bathroom isn't going to bother anybody. You will almost always be spaced away from others. I've even been the only one there.


As someone who has taken a bunch of these for real certifications, I worked hard to study and pass and would want everyone who gets the credentials to do it the right way.

When I got my insurance license, I was in the test location and heard another test taker who failed the exam beg for another chance. They had taken it before, failed and failed again and wouldn't keep their job having not passed and they were upset and desperate.

I had to take a similar IRL exam for a certification about 15 years ago. I didn't know anything about mystery shopping back then, so I got involved with this industry and I saw the testing centers got shopped, I was happy to know.

Just so people who've not done these jobs understand, you are not cheating. You're not going to go onto some list of cheaters. For the ones I've done, you keep a piece of paper in your pocket - it can be a grocery receipt. Assuming they search you, they should find it and you should have to throw it away. If they don't make you throw it away, then that isn't good. If they don't search you at all that's really not good. If you make it inside the testing area with the paper, you eventually pull it out of your pocket and set it out in the open. This tests to see if the protector is inside the observation room at all times watching all the exam takers.

At the end of the exam, which you have ideally failed, you simply make a comment like, "I really needed to pass this. Would you know anybody I can pay to get some help?" Then, let the person you are asking take the ball from there. They should come back and say, "No, we don't offer any services to help with prep for exams." If they come back and say something like, "My son is a tutor and charges $50 per hour," then that person would be in trouble.

You can vary what you say, the idea is simply to communicate your need to pass the exam and you would be willing to pay to get some help. If you want to say, "I'm willing to pay whatever you want to get a copy of the answers," you can...but I don't think that realistically resembles what someone would actually say, if they were going to try to get some help.
I can easily still pass the ACE and the CA state Smog License Exam, even more than 10 years later... They are kinda like falling off a bike, I can do them in my sleep. I never needed or wanted to cheat on an exam. And when I worked for the phone company I was glad to do anything that was paid time away from the garage. I scheduled as many classes and tests as I possibly could.

But I do have panic attacks when I'm separated from some of my things, the biggest ones being my wallet and my ID. And those airless rooms in some of those buildings are tough on folks with claustrophobia. So I no longer choose to take tests, even the ones that would make me money.

I did one of those for the naked folks, for far less than it was worth. But when I realized that it wasn't ethical, I didn't do another one. I won't purposefully try to set someone up to fail. It's just not right.

Call me whatever you want to call me. I've been put in that situation, several times, the State of CA Burea of Automotive Repair sends sabotaged vehicles to smog stations and to repair shops to trick Licensed Smog Technicians into failing, and then fining them $$$ if they miss it. I only missed it ONE time, it cost me $450 plus an 8 hour class when I only made $300 per week. My boss got fined too, but he deserved it, he told me to make the customer's truck pass because they were a good friend of his.
My two cents: We are not trying to get people fired. We are protecting the integrity of the test results for those taking the tests. I, for one, would like to know that the food service workers I encounter (and I do a LOT of food shops) know what the rules and laws of basic food preparation, food handling, and food storage are. I would like to KNOW that the ServeSafe Certification certificate on the wall means that the person named on the certificate actually knows the information needed to earn that certification and wasn't able to walk out with the certification because they were able to cheat or bribe their way into it. I want to KNOW that the person doing IT work on my computer is knowledgeable about safety, security, and whatever else they are required to know about IT processes because they have the skills needed and not because there were able to cheat or bribe their way into it. I want to KNOW that the person applying for grad school has more than the bare minimum of smarts to enter a degree program that may well one day put them in a position of authority over a classroom of students or a warehouse of workers or the lab techs that process bloodwork instead of cheating or bribing their way into it.
That reminds me, I forgot about my state vehicle inspection for the month, but have a five-day grace period. In Texas, this will be the last year.

Hm, but it looks like emissions testing is still required in some counties. In most big cities.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2024 03:39PM by Okie.
It isn't a case of feeling guilty, I just don't want to do the job.

It is too uncomfortable trying to trap someone doing something wrong (as useful as that information ultimately can be) and in my case I may actually want to take one of these tests in the near future for real life. Since I don't know what test I will be assigned I guess I just need to pass on them altogether.

PS - I also never wanted to be a Marine or a Cop (my hard-assed sister has been both) and I have seen first hand the type of person that wants to do this type of work. I don't because that doesn't suit my temperment.

@ServiceAward wrote:

I can't see why anybody would have a problem with this shop. You are not trying to get an employee fired, you are ensuring they are complying with the rules. I realize in our liberal society where people are so worried about everybody's feelings and make excuses for them when they screw up that people who do these shops get shamed. If the protector is violating the rules and allowing someone to cheat the system, that is UNFAIR to the actual test takers. That behavior is deserving of one being fired. Period. There is nothing to feel guilty about. People need to start growing a backbone or find another line of work.

I've done many of these shops and everybody has always been in compliance. As far as bothering other test takers, you won't. Everybody has headphones that can be worn to block out the noise, but it is honestly very quiet. Raising your hand to go to the bathroom isn't going to bother anybody. You will almost always be spaced away from others. I've even been the only one there.
I've done the BARE version a couple of times. When I did them, the "trying to cheat" part was very easy for the shopper to do and very easy for the employee to detect. The other shopper duties were just routine things. I would do it again, I thought it to be pretty fun actually.
I considered doing a test taking shop for another company, and the "trying to cheat" part was extremely involved and not something that I was interested in doing.
BTW, one of the tests that I took was the Dental Assistant National Board Exam. I passed!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 07:47PM by teacherguy.
I have done one of these shops. In my opinion, it was not worth it. We all have different motivators doing mystery shopping. Time, expenses involved, and difficulty level are major factors for myself.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 08:16PM by Karenhal.
If you look up the topic “Jobs where you pinch yourself / jobs where you kick yourself,” posted on July 9, 2024, you’ll see on page 2 where I commented about these shops.
I’ve accepted the same shop at the same location 6 times and it’s always the same test, “Real Estate & Finance,” which I have no chance in passing ever if I tried lol.
Upon arrival into the testing lobby, you’ll need to make a mental note of the room description.
You will have your thumb print taken which is what gives you access into the testing area. You cannot wear your coat or jacket into the testing area at all, but you are required to try to sneak your phone or calculator in by placing it in your pocket.
Once they realize you have your device, you’ll be instructed to place it in your locker along with your other items like coat, keys & purse or wallet.
At some point during testing, you’ll need to raise your hand and ask to visit the restroom.
You’ll return to the testing area, be searched again for unauthorized items and then continue the testing until the allotted time is up. Once you’ve left the room, and you have received your test results, you have to ask one of the attendants if they know a way to help you pass which I feel is a horrible thing to do since the attendants at the facility I visited were senior citizens.
After doing the same shop multiple times, I just couldn’t subject myself or them to the fraudulent activities any more so I haven’t done one for over 6 years.
I’d have to be desperate for cash to preform this shop again and wouldn’t do one for less than $140, not only because of the time during testing but also the amount of travel time to and from plus the narrative in the report.
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