
Anyone tried the new Schnucks (Midwest supermarket chain) shop yet? $3 fee plus $8 reimbursement right now. Invite says "Visit your assigned grocery location, evaluate service in the departments listed in your paperwork and make a purchase." Wondering how many different department interactions are required.

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For $3 anything more than 1 department would be a deal killer for me.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I've been waiting for the pay to get higher tbh. I did have someone call and say they could probably offer up to $5 for it, but that's still a little low.
The pay got a bump, so I finally picked one up. Looks like there will be up to 3 interactions, including one at checkout. You'll definitely want to have an actual grocery list when you sign up. As of right now, I'll probably wait for it to bump up again before taking another.
really love the shnuck shops. In my area the fee used to increase every 3 days. Haven't gotten one in a month tho
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