Rejections by BP Consumer Audit Reviewer – Jody Czarnecki

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I received a similar letter from Jody saying my shop was rejected because I didn't sign in until I bought gas. She said the guidelines say you have to sign in before you make any purchase. I assumed she meant check in. But his letter says he did the shop the next day. Mine says I didn't sign in until I made the gas purchase. I was sure I checked in before I went in the store. Mine said I was rejected by the MSC because I made a purchase before I signed into Presto. It's the same shop he did. I can't mention the MSC now.
@ServiceAward wrote:

@Okie, it is unbecoming of you to be the message board cop. Let the children do that.
We all need to police each other!

@ServiceAward @mystery2me Save your words dudes!

I do like how French Farmer mentioned what to do when you have issues with checking in on Presto (making sure I used the right term). I thought about doing some remote areas in the distant future, and this didn't occur to me.
One shop I do occasionally is in a no-reception zone and, for icing on the cake, has a different address on the receipt. The number is correct but the shop is for "Highway ##" and the receipt says "Main st." No matter how much 'splainin' I do in the report, I still get accused of going to the wrong place. And it's the only station of that brand in the town. Google can prove it. Duh.

But this checking in before starting the shop raises a problem for a location as above. How will you always know before you get there that you'll have no reception? Should I just check in from home to every location I plan to visit that day? That makes no sense, right? My cell company map shows coverage in lots of places where there actually is none.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2024 11:53PM by sestrahelena.
I sort of had a similar issue with the receipt recently. The gas receipt was correct, but the store receipt was very wrong (in another city and ZIP code). I think it helped though that my store purchase was made minutes after my gas purchase, and shared the same credit card number.
@sestrahelena wrote:

... How will you always know before you get there that you'll have no reception? Should I just check in from home to every location I plan to visit that day? That makes no sense, right?

I agree.

They shouldn’t be overly dependent upon something that doesn’t always work. I think a part of the problem is when Presto was created, the people behind it presented the "check-in" feature as some earth shattering game changer when it wasn’t, and the gas station clients believed it. Like their app is "perfect", but it’s not. The "check-in" feature is not useful in places where signal is not possible. And even as French Farmer had mentioned, in a different thread, where there was a glitch with the app to where you couldn’t upload a required photo recently. So, if the app’s features don’t work a 100% of the time, then why should it be required a 100% of the time?

@sestrahelena wrote:

My cell company map shows coverage in lots of places where there actually is none.

I totally believe that. As someone that has traveled all over the country, and have tried out most of the major cell phone carriers in an attempt to find the best one, I have found all of them to have coverage areas maps that are misleading. You may get service in some of the areas that you expect, but you are not going to get service everywhere.
Here is how I do this:
For shops that I am not aware of signal problems, and then discover a no signal at the site, I check in as I am driving away and as soon as I see that my phone has a decent signal. I stop and check in. My time that I have reported starting the shop is always, always different that my check in time. The receipts reflect it.
For shops that I know there is a signal problem, I check in as close to the site as possible that I have a signal.

I've not been questioned on this. I do report signal problems for these particular shops, both on the app as well as in the report.
My receipts do reflect the date and time.

So far, I've not had a problem in doing this.

Sometimes, I think we overthink these problems.

If or when the time comes that the editor decides that what i have done is not acceptable, I'll stop taking those no signal jobs and quietly say a few words in another language that would not also be acceptable.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2024 02:08AM by French Farmer.
French Farmer.....Fermez votre grande bouche avant je vous donne une favorite high school slogan when flustered...I know, poorly written

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
@MsJudi wrote:

French Farmer.....Fermez votre grande bouche avant je vous donne une favorite high school slogan when flustered...I know, poorly written

Était-ce un commentaire ironique ?
Je l’espère. Pourtant, je ne suis pas offensé.
Non...just one of the few phrases I remember..No offense intended to you...It would be my foreign language response to the MSP

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I don’t have a problem with using the check-in feature before doing a shop, provided that I understand I have to. It is not that big of a deal for me to just hit a button that says “Check-in” before doing a shop. That is assuming there are no issues with signal, or the Presto app. If there are, I rather just not do a shop rather than follow French Farmer’s method of doing it. Because what if one day, without warning, they decide French Farmer’s method isn’t good enough either? I can certainly understand the sentiment expressed in French Farmer’s post should that ever be the case, but it’s not really an experience I care to have in the first place.

What I do consider a problem is poor communication though, and then later blaming the shopper for what comes of it. I never got an email response from Jody Czarnecki despite it saying in the rejection email, “Please reply to this email if you require further details”, and suspect that I never will get a response from her. I did get a response from the general support team, and upon having my email forwarded to Emily Barnes, did get an initial response from her. Afterwards, I was left just hanging as to whether or not I would get a response on the follow-up questions though. So I don’t know if I should just be patient, and await a response, or just don’t count on one based on the experiences of others. It’s weird though because the initial response was only like 30 minutes later, whereas it’s going on to 3 days with no response to the follow-up questions. I guess I should just give her the benefit of the doubt, and wait it out, as I don't think I really have any other choice.

What I am still unclear on is exactly why were my shops rejected. I now understand that at least a part of the reason was because I didn’t “check-in” before starting the shop, but I don’t know if that is the only reason. According to the rejection email, it sounded like another reason was because the shop was not submitted within the same day the location was visited despite the guidelines saying we have 24 hours to submit. That would mean that there are potentially two reasons for the rejections rather than just one. I am also curious to hear how she would like locations to be handled where there is no signal.

The matters because I don't want to check-in before starting shops, only to still get them rejected by Jody Czarnecki again for not doing something else that was not clearly communicated, or understood.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2024 10:13PM by Mr. JM.
JM, do your needs exceed the aggravation, knowing, based upon the MSCs reputation, that there is an excellent chance of some form of repetition?

To my understanding, sign-in and check-in are NOT synonymous.
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