A comedy sketch about our profession

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Thank you! Hilarious! "Parents didn’t get the fire station memo." The whole thing have me my hard laugh for the day, maybe the week.
Smoothie Operator! ... BTW, the MSC has not been named.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2024 12:36PM by Okie.
I like the part where the employee takes a picture of the customer. And the fact she used flash was hysterical. When she was looking at the video footage, I picture 5G employees doing the same thing.
I love the parts where the lead player talks about "lying:...a common belief. After all these years, i have come to know that some employees that we shop make more than enough errors, so that "lying" is not necessary!
@Maryanne J wrote:

What a stupid total waste of time and effort.

You must be fun at parties, or are those a waste of time and effort too?
I was rewatching this, and for some reason, I thought Leslie Mann would be perfect as "Secret Shopper".
That was absolute gold.

Thanks for posting it.

I don't think there are any Russians / And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals\ / Playin' with tanks
I wanted to like this and did not particularly. There were parts I laughed at. But I never understand the "lying" part. I always am REALLY buying the....smoothie, whatever....as a real customer so I guess I just don't get it. Thank you for sharing!!!
@Chix wrote:

But I never understand the "lying" part. I always am REALLY buying the....smoothie, whatever....as a real customer so I guess I just don't get it.

While real-world employees may have that perverse mindset, in the video she explains to the shopper her OCD against "liars" (because her dad continuously lied to her about "this next gig will be the last one"winking smiley. So she has an unhealthy view of anyone her character perceives as not being 'honest'. Sure, the customer is still buying a smoothie, but it's not a "real, genuine" customer there just to buy a smoothie.
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