Already had a Phillips 66 darkness loop booked for tonight, but popped into you-know-who's job board just now and discovered a new wave of Customer Firsts.
Snagged 26 of them, all in the same vicinity of the loop I already have set up.
I'll be using the app at 6 of the 7 P66's, buying 10¢ of gas at each stop. The last one I will not do when the store is open. It's a garage with hardly anything to buy inside, and I can rarely if ever pay with the app at the pump, which is crucial to my P66 strategy. I'll be doing 2 Chevrons at the farthest end of the loop tonight, with one more on the way towards that last P66. Should have plenty of room in my tank for the full $10 there, unless their pumps won't take credit cards. That would suck, though I would relish seriously dinging a location I don't care for.
The plan was always to drive Uber until the sun started going down before heading towards my first P66. They have a feature where you can set a destination and filter rides on the way to it. I just reached a new achievement level with them which gives me 3 destination filters per day and I can now choose which areas I want to drive in as well (have to switch off the other feature to use it).
So, with the other 23 Chevrons to knock out through next Tuesday, the plan is to filter rides up that way on Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, then switch to staying in the region once I'm there, taking on Chevrons as I'm in the vicinity while I'm impersonating a taxi cab. Averages 6+ gallons per day in gas purchases, which should be needed assuming I stay busy with Uber riders.
I've never put together a list of shops without developing a logistically-sound route. Should be interesting to see if this random approach winds up working smoothly.
Have synthesizers, will travel...