Best Shop Ever

I just received an email about a dental visit shop that seemed to be more geared towards surgery type stuff more than your routine dental care. Cool I thought, I have a tooth that I was told needs to come out and this would be a great second opinion, plus I would get paid! I login to see the shop guidelines. Pre visit phone call, not a problem. Whoa wait, I am supposed to tell the person who answers the phone I am missing five teeth? Well then certainly just a phone shop because I have all my teeth and there is no scenario that you could fake otherwise. $100 for a phone shop? Hot damn... read on. Two objections on the phone, fine. Deposit that is refundable to schedule an appointment, certainly. Next line is the visit itself. Um, okay this is going to get weird because I am not missing any teeth.... I read on because I am now invested on how to squirm out of this very awaked visit because they are now in my mouth and have seen not one missing tooth let alone FIVE! I love the ending of this. This is a quote,"If you are asked why you do not have missing teeth as noted on the initial intake form, you can just say you thought you had missing teeth/were previously told you had missing teeth and must have been mistaken". Who thinks (and does not know for sure) that they have missing teeth (plural)? I have had act some real interesting scenarios during my shopping career, but this one might take the cake (if you can eat it)!

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I thought about using a black marker, but upon once they conducted a further inspection, I thought they would send me to a different type of facility. However, I do know exactly what shop you're talking about. I concur.
Toothfully (or not) I see some holes in this scenario. Oh I forgot, I just spent multiple hours at the dentist yesterday and had all 5 teeth replaced. It's the anesthetic that caused me to forget. Who came up with this totally believable scenario, anyway?
I've seen that shop too and had to read the guidelines again to see if they were serious. This is a dead giveaway for a mystery shopper or they just think you are crazy.
Don't forget to note if they seemed genuinely happy to inform you that you indeed had all your teeth.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
When I first heard the song below from the Barbie movie playing as a backdrop to the scene, I had this crazy feeling that this is what would it feel like to be on a large amount of anesthesia. The closest thing I endured to this was when I had three wisdom teeth taken out at the same time during college. The dentist proposed doing this to knock it all out at one time. While that was true, that was the most knocked out and best sleep I've ever been in my life!
I mean, I think my husband could have pulled this off. Not because he is missing teeth but because he plays the part of stupid pretty well!!! He would just say I never said that. He does it to me all the time so it fits!! LMAO
My son had 4 permanent premolars removed at age 11 for braces and then wisdom teeth removed at age 16. Would that count? I’m trying to think of how someone could honestly pull this off.
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