CLOWN BURGER (yeah ... tacos, too)

Oh my gosh! I just saw this client after I don't know how long it's been. For now, I don't want to name the client or MSC, to not open that can of worms. But obviously, IYKYK! So many memories!

Is anyone else seeing them? Currently, I only see three remote ones in my area. I won't be doing any of them, but just curious.

Editing to add: Also, just realized they're phasing out the clown now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2024 11:11PM by Okie.

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Thanks! When I searched 999 miles, around 20 came up. When I first saw it, I thought I was seeing things. I couldn't believe it.

Same MSC as before. I thought it was a limited time offering shop, but it sounds like it's going to be a recurring shop in the meantime, where the ordering scenarios will change every few weeks.
seeing some in suburban Los Angeles areas (not really urban areas).
$15 expense and $5 pay. No more "flat rate" shops.

i wonder how many "clowns" will do this clown assignment for $5 pay? Also, I wonder how many picture uploads are required. I remember doing them for $25 flat pay and I could get out spending under $10 for a combo.

Don't need the crap food for $5 payment. If pay was $10 - $15, i could justify doing it and feeding the dogs the meat and potatoes.
I miss working with the schedulers and team who often worked this. It looked these shops are going to be handed by one scheduler. Anyways, I was just happy to see and come across it.
They phased out Jack before, in fact, they killed him, blew him up. And they they brought him back a few years later.
Hooray, they’re coming back!

Boo, I’m not going to do them because they’re too far away and, even if they weren’t too far away, the compensation is significantly inadequate.

Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2024 09:44PM by DT.
I read about that explosion somewhere. I was re-watching Curb Your Enthusiasm recently, and in one episode, Larry was going through the drive-thru at Jack in the Box without a car because he locked himself out. Watching him ordering and seeing this recently, so good!
The scenario for this shop looks overly complicated. Ordering 2 things that aren't on the menu to try to get the order taker to suggest a specific item, easy pass for me.
$5 shop pay is where you should have passed. I don't even bother figuring out what is required for crap food, crap pay. $10 minimum to make me curious enough to see if I should bother.

@canadianghetto wrote:

The scenario for this shop looks overly complicated. Ordering 2 things that aren't on the menu to try to get the order taker to suggest a specific item, easy pass for me.
@hbbigdaddy wrote:

I remember doing them for $25 flat pay and I could get out spending under $10 for a combo.

Under $7 for a combo for me.

I would do 1-2 at my lunch hour. I would do 8-10 on my way home from a short weekend overtime shift.

I got into these late in the game, but did almost 600 of them. I took most at $20-$30 flat pay.

And now I am fat. LOL
@BayShopper22 You bring back so many memories! This was some years back, but I distinctly remember the amount of $5.40 and have a visual recollection of the receipt. If I picked up x amount, I would get x bonus. They were all located next to each other.

However, I will admit. I just nibbled and took the temperature. In that area, I gave the meal away to people on the street. I don't know why I get so nostalgic about it.
@Okie wrote:

@BayShopper22 You bring back so many memories! This was some years back, but I distinctly remember the amount of $5.40 and have a visual recollection of the receipt. If I picked up x amount, I would get x bonus. They were all located next to each other.

However, I will admit. I just nibbled and took the temperature. In that area, I gave the meal away to people on the street. I don't know why I get so nostalgic about it.

No temp for the clown, but yes temp for the redhead.
It may have been earlier in the program, but eventually went away. I think you got an extra $1.50 for the temperature. Towards the end, I believe there was a little incentive to order a milkshake.

In my area, I saw the redhead within the past year. It was reimbursement only, but eventually the pay increased. No temperature on this one. But now, it's gone away.
yes, the JITB shops had temperature option for awhile. 2 extra pictures with the temp of the fries and the temp of the burger patty. It was worth an extra $1.50 for it.

I loved doing them with LA Dodgers 10 strikeouts, Rams win, and other promotions. If you bought the large drink you would get the Yumbo Yuck for free. All you had to do then is order fries and you would get out for $6 (or less).

My dogs got so used to the sound of the paper bags when I would pull up in the drive-way.
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