BP/Amoco Shops

I happened to notice there are BP/Amoco shops showing up in the "magic" app.
As I remember them from last summer, they were paying $25 fee plus the $3.00 reimbursement ($2 for fuel and $1 for inside).
I see them now at $18 fee plus the $3 reimbursement.
Since I've not done any yet, I'm wondering, did the work lessen (ala E/M) or did the MSC just cheap out?

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French, $18 has been base price for a while.. they'll go up in a few weeks if you leave them be. I haven't looked at Presto yet today, but I'll take the certification test this evening if they are there, and I'll print out the LOA and leave behind forms and get them in the car.
I attempted to claim some locations I know I haven't visit in months and get a message I'm blocked from claiming shop. Any one else getting this message? No notifications have been received about this since last round.
There is a certification test before you can claim the shop. read the guidelines, take the certification test, pass it with 100% (If I can do it, you can), and then claim the shop.
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