somethings broken - I think

Every day.. and I mean EVERY day. I delete pages of mystery shopping emails. Today I have only received 3 emails all day from mystery shopping companies. And when I signed into 2 of the companies today there are ZERO shops within 40 miles of me. Both of the companies I looked at were on their Sassie platform, so I know they can't hide available shops. So WTF is going on? I've never seen so few available shops at any price.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2024 08:54PM by Morledzep.

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check PRESTO to see all the sassie shops in your area from all the companies instead of logging in individually.
HB, it seems that all of the Sassie platform shops are skimpy. usually the 30 mile radius from my home has triple the number of Sassie shops available compared to the Insta-shops, but it's actually reversed today. And there were only 7 messages, when in any given day there are usually 20+.
Make sure the e-mail notifications haven't been shut off for the companies you normally shop. For some reason it happens to me all the time. Its on your profile page.
Maybe they all terminated you :-P

there are plenty of shops out there on Sassie. Yes, some are not posted yet, but I see plenty in urban areas. You are in alabama, so you already have reduced amount to begin with.

You said your son is a shopper, right? Have him logon and see if he sees different results. If his results are different, then you know something is fishy with your accounts.
thanks rosie, I've never used jobslinger. And I'm in the process of going through the MSCs that I'm currently contracted with and changing my passwords (usually takes a week in between working and everything else) and updating my profiles. So I'm sure that my email settings are just fine.

Also, I took HB's advice and checked the Sassie jobs on the orange pins on Presto. The orange pins can't be hidden by whether you qualify for the jobs or even if you're signed up with the MSC that is hosting them, and there are significantly fewer orange pins than there are Insta-shop pins in my area currently.

I think HB might be right (he usually is) it's the beginning of the month and the quarter and not all of the shops are posted yet.

That being said, It's late evening here, and I have received a grand total of 9 emails offering jobs today, and the "blob's" Job Board is empty until I get to a 60 mile radius when there are normally 20 - 30 jobs listed before I expand the shopping area. In any normal given day I get 10 or more job offering emails before I even wake up in the morning, and at least double that by the end of the day.

I've never seen it like this, even at the change of the quarter since I moved here 8+ years ago.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2024 12:15AM by Morledzep.
Yesterday, I saw nothing. A bunch of stuff posted for me between 6-10 am local time. I self-assigned about 30 shops.
@Morledzep wrote:

...I've never used jobslinger...

Definitely worth spending a few minutes setting it up. You can see stuff in one place from all SASSIE clients with whom you are registered, and ala GigSpot and Presto!, you will see stuff from MSCs you may not be with yet. The advanced search engine is quite good.

I'm now using it a bit more often as I made the mistake of unsubscribing from Consumer Insight emails which shut down all emails coming from my SASSIE vendors. Easier for me to pop into a single site as opposed to multiples when sniffing around for shops.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
What Coolmusic said. They're all in one place and it doesn't lock you out of the websites like GigSpot.

Don't know if the Presto shops are listed or not.
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