Actually, the average consumer price inflation was 4.06% in 2023, should be 3.1% in 2024 and 1.8% in 2025 so not exactly “through the roof.”
Also, no one is getting fed for “free”. In exchange for working (which includes checking the mystery shop company boards for assignments, reviewing the assignment requirements, investing round trip travel time to/from the business, taking the required photos, completing the report), they receive food (which they pay for at the time of purchase and are reimbursed for later (for which they then pay income tax on at the end of the year). Also, the $10 that you referred to is also before taxes and before expenses (fuel and wear and tear on their vehicle to/from the location [the IRS’s 2024 Standard Mileage Rate is 67 cents per mile], etc.)
Minimum wage here in Cali is currently $16 ($20 if employed in Fast Food) so there are other, more lucrative, means of earning available to people. But it’s all perspective; if workers believe that inflation is “through the roof”, that they’re getting “free” food, and $10, then shops will continue to be accepted for low compensation.
I’m detail-oriented and I enjoy employing my skills so that I can provide solid feedback for companies so that they may adjust and improve. But I’m also going to continue to only accept assignments that meet my compensation requirements because, otherwise, I’d just be devaluing myself and my services.
Fun, Money-Savings and Money-Making Techniques
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2024 05:21AM by DT.