Filtering out assignments in Presto

Can someone remind me how to filter out a certain assignment in presto? It is clogging my map so I don’t want a certain Assignment to show up for now

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There's a filter in the top right corner. Type in a name and it disappears from the list/map without having to click the related check box.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
The filter works differently, depending whether you use laptop or phone. I find it more effective on a laptop.
There are two filter boxes. There is one filter on the map where you can pick a specific client shops or filter by minimum pay.. On the list of shops next to the map is another filter, you can type in the title of the shops that you want to see. When I'm looking for Exxon shops I type in "2024" because the title is shop experience 2024. When I'm looking for Shell shops I type in MMP.
Also, it does not always work on my phone for some reason. If I want to filter stuff out, I usually use my laptop.
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