Indoor Cycling Class at Studio

Has anyone done one of these shops or classes? I don't know if naming the MSC or client would be easier. But let's say, it's good for your soul.

The class is 45 minutes, but seems targeted towards females. Just curious if anyone had any experience or feedback.

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I don't know if I could, but I definitely would try to do something like that. My stamina from being forced to be so sedentary these past several years would probably seriously limit my ability to participate. Wouldn't stop me from trying..
I seriously considered it, but saw that you have to show up half hour before class to talk to the staff. It's not a big deal, but eats into my $ per hour calculation. The times also didn't work for me. I didn't end up signing up for it. I have a bike and can just work out for free at home. I would do it if the location was in my neighborhood.
Morledzep, I'm sort of in that same boat too. I thought this was going to be easy-peasy, but then I actually looked into the class. And oh my, some of them are going at it.

I saw the time requirements too. This would be one of those "bucket list" type shops, more so for the experience. In all honesty, I figured that there would be some pretty girls there too, which factored into my decision. Not going to lie. I'm looking over the classes, and I have a crush on one of the instructors!

Anyways, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to try to prep for this as best I can. I'm sure everyone will be nice if I tap out.
Just posting an update on how the shop went. The class went a lot better than I expected. The location I went to had three times available for a class. A morning bird, morning, and evening one. I opted for morning bird for less distractions, even though I was told it's with a difficult instructor. Went through the tour and chatted with the instructor to pass the time and get settled. Not as many people.

It's definitely a different experience. You follow along to the music and can adjust the level of resistance. While it was challenging, you can go at your pace. It's like a gym, where everyone is doing their own thing, but the only difference is everyone is in sync to the music and don't have headphones on. The thing I enjoyed most was that you get real-time feedback from the instructor if you're doing something wrong or unsafe, on your form, posture, and technique. There's mirrors for you to see how to adjust.

Anyways, this shop is only worth it, if you were going to try out the class anyways. And looking for guidance to improve, and find an instructor with the right type of class and music. Might as well get paid while trying it! But if no interest in trying out the class, not worth it. The report itself has some narrative and sections, but not too bad.
Any hint on the MSC? Is is only for women, and only for new clients? Thank you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2024 02:09PM by bradkcrew.
Intouch Insight through iSecretShop. For men and women, no restrictions. Ideally someone without a membership. It pays $40 and up to $40 reimbursement for a class. At the location I visited, it was $20 for the class if first time, and $33 afterward.

Editing to add: However, mostly women in attendance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2024 02:21PM by Okie.
@Okie wrote:

Intouch Insight through iSecretShop. For men and women, no restrictions. Ideally someone without a membership. It pays $40 and up to $40 reimbursement for a class. At the location I visited, it was $20 for the class if first time, and $33 afterward.

Editing to add: However, mostly women in attendance.
Thank you. I was asking for my son, but he stumbled across it on his own. He loves that place, but wasn't able to do it because he goes there regularly.
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