Feedback on the wholesale store 1900 item covert pricing audits?

Anyone have any feedback on these? I thought it looked like decent money, especially if you can get it done on the Thursday, but that seems like an awful lot of items to scan ...

Has anyone done these? I'd like a realistic overview. The conference call says experienced people can do them in four hours, and it's not unreasonable to expect that someone without experience will take eight hours.

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From what I've read in previous posts nobody will hassle you but the time it rakes is at least twice what they estimate. Do a search to find the threads.
@naivasna wrote:

The conference call says experienced people can do them in four hours...

That's slightly less than 8 items per minute, or one every 7.6 seconds.

The 8-hour estimate sounds more realistic.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
On a related note, when I was contracted with Trendsource, their mileage distances employed the CFM* system. Since, though, I was a human, it was always grossly inaccurate and slanted in their favor.

*Crow fly mileage.
They are a nightmare, avoid at all costs. Thats my feedback! You can find a couple other, much less time intensive projects and make the same amount of money.
What if your app doesn't work well in the location because there are things blocking the signal? I was recently doing a shop where I needed to upload several photos and video. I got stuck in the store on their wifi until it completed because the signal was so bad in that area. What if your phone runs out of juice? You have to have backup supplies ready and that could get annoying, too. So many potential issues.
@cherubino3 wrote:

What if your app doesn't work well in the location because there are things blocking the signal?

Why I avoided Presto! shops for years. Too many instances not being able to efficiently complete the report onsite.

Luckily they have cleaned things up as a couple of programs I rely on have moved to that platform. The app is close to rock solid these days.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I actually did do a search, but apparently I wasn't using the right words because I got nothing under the name, the number or the word audit.
The only issue I seem to have with the Presto app these days is occasionally it doesn't recognize my location. Uploading, etc, even in remote locations hasn't been a problem so far. There were more, a few years back, pre-COVID, when I was doing them, but it seems to be pretty bug/issue free at the moment.
Presto app seems to determine your location based off google maps on your phone. So if your presto app claimed that you are way off, you can try to close the presto app, open the google map app, wait for a few second for gmap to grab/update your location, and open the presto app again.

That fixed my location problem all the time.
BEWARE!!!! These price scans are not authorized by the store you are assigned to. They are contracted by a competitor. The letter of authorization will not help you. The store managers and asset management are on the lookout to stop you. If you are removed before scanning the minimum required scans it will be considered an incomplete assignment.
if they use the mission app and photos are required it sucks battery like crazy so unless you have a new phone it would be tough to get 8 hours on one charge. If it is just scanning and you don't need to find the items it might be possible to go that fast but if the items are preloaded and you have to match the item with the price tag expect them to take much longer. I have not done them but do a pricing shop for another company using the missions app and need to enter all the prices (loyalty, discount, etc) and take a photo and after a year can do 157 items (always the same so I don't have to look for them) in about an hour and 30 minutes. You know what you need to make in an hour to make this worth it but I don't think it would be worth it.
@jazzzyjd wrote:

if they use the mission app and photos are required it sucks battery like crazy so unless you have a new phone it would be tough to get 8 hours on one charge. If it is just scanning and you don't need to find the items it might be possible to go that fast but if the items are preloaded and you have to match the item with the price tag expect them to take much longer. I have not done them but do a pricing shop for another company using the missions app and need to enter all the prices (loyalty, discount, etc) and take a photo and after a year can do 157 items (always the same so I don't have to look for them) in about an hour and 30 minutes. You know what you need to make in an hour to make this worth it but I don't think it would be worth it.

Yes it's the missions app but it's the scan everything on the shelves and put the price in versus search and price. Still takes up a ton of battery and still on a 10-ft list for me anyway..

I don't mind The directed pricing shop for the warehouse because it's generally the same list from week to week and I can do it in about 30 minutes because I know everything is. But scanning everything in the warehouse is going to take a lot longer than 8 hours.
I tried a few of these for a bit back in the Covid days. Unless you're desperate I would not advise them. They take at least 8 hours, maybe more if your battery is lousy or your phone overheats a lot.
After two days I could not scan all of the items required. Some warehouses do NOT have wifi so the app was SUPER slow taking 45 secs+ for each one scan. My feet were killing me at the end of it, and I still did not complete. Never again.
10 foot distance. The items are not necessarily in consecutive order aisle wise they come up in the app on. Stay in aisle to scroll til you find the closest next items or walk all over the store going in the order of the app mission. STAY AWAY FROM THESE.
I've done this twice. The first week, I had to split it over 2 days, but made sure I got the bonus on Thursday. I wasn't 100% sure on the instructions so took the night to review them so I could make sure I was doing the fresh meat correctly. Last week, I did the entire store in about 6 hours, and did another shop for lunch, rather than take the $2 reimbursement they offered. The only time any employee even spoke to me was when I was doing the liquor, and he simply told me to ask him if I had any questions and told me I could get prices on their app. While I did it alone, the shop does allow you to have someone help you. If I continue to do it, maybe I can get my wife to help. I got a portable charger that I can use to charge my phone about halfway through and leave it plugged up while eating lunch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2024 06:54PM by Mailman403.
If it's your first time doing this, I recommend you start with a 50 item shop.

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