I'm guessing MSC's will reschedule stuff without prejudice given what has happened in the area. I can't even imagine what people are going through.
My most meaningful work* is for a struggling non-profit based in Asheville.
We have a museum space downtown. I saw a picture in the NYT one street over from us that was totally flooded out.
Luckily we only experienced a broken awning support that cracked a front window. As we have dozens of historical, irreplaceable electronic music instruments on display, there's an extra security layer to the glass, so the window did not break.
No water damage to our facility.
We dodged a major bullet. Now we wait for Asheville to rebuild and for tourism to rebound.
*October 3 is the day a donor is being hit up for a matching grant that would fund a full-time position for me.
If that hits, I'll keep shopping selectively, but hopefully my days of driving rideshare will be over. Cross 'em if you got 'em.
Have synthesizers, will travel...