Smartphone recommendation shops

Has anyone been doing these? What do you say when they want to look up your account and it's not the carrier that you use.(when it comes to promotions) Or it is the carrier that you use. It's not clear in the guidelines if you should let them see your account and then list the promotions they offer from that. (in my case the employee took like 10 minutes looking into my account, and I just wanted to say never mind)

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I don't have an account with any of them but if I have to pretend that I do, I just say that I really want to know about the phones first to decide if It's worth upgrading (or switching).

There are so many projects out there right now. Unless you are specifically shopping for the service/ plan, NEVER let them delve into your account. That's just a time suck. Sometimes you've got to be tough about it. I've had reps just walk away from me when I refuse to discuss buying their services. I just keep pestering them until they tell me what I need to know. At least one shop form has answers something like, "The associate couldn't tell me about promotions without looking into my account" so that answer indicates that the client is aware of that possibility and confirms that you do not have to give that info.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2024 05:45PM by sestrahelena.
If it's for the smartphone brand for the big blob, from my experience, most will still go over the general promos available to current customers, even after declining to provide a phone number.

I remember one shop though, where the associate insisted on a phone number. I gave him an old number linked to a corporate account with the carrier. He said I would have to ask the admin of the plan. I told him that I'm switching jobs and considering switching over to a personal plan, and asked him if he could tell me the promos for both current and new customers. After, he became more open to providing it w/o a phone number.
Like ses said, there are different scenarios, different clients, and different MSCs for the cell phone (and other technology/appliance) shops. Unless it's expressly stated otherwise, I always act like I'm a new customer.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Usually they give you two scenarios. When I go to my carrier, I ask them how much to upgrade my son's phone. If it is not, then I just act like I hate my carrier and want to switch. But I keep it simple and just tell them it is for me only instead of my family.
@Okie wrote:

Sorry, but I couldn't help but think WWJD - What would @johnb974 do ?!
Whine because he couldn’t do them.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
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