I wanted to start a thread where we could laugh at ourselves in a positive light, within the scope of mystery shopping. So yes, this thread does belong in Mystery Shopping Discussion. Nothing too serious, but just a thread to laugh something off and share something where only us shoppers could truly understand and appreciate. Maybe when we laugh it off, we can see how trivial it is. Sort of therapeutic in a sense, and maybe our misery can make someone else feel better. (I don't know about you, but I got a kick out of the thread where @SteveSoCal did a drive-through fast-food shop.) Honestly, I wasn't laughing at SteveSoCal, but it was just a funny experience. And I knew he didn't have thin skin, like me.
I guess you could incorporate some venting, that's up to you. Now, I feel like that's pretty much like every other thread here, though. JK!
Anyways, I know this may not be everyone's cup of tea, so feel free to ignore this thread. On the secret platform forums, I saw a section like this. Instead, I just thought one thread here, would suffice. If it stays alive, it stays alive. If it dies, then it's run its course, naturally.
Here's an excerpt from the secret platform forums:
Going undercover and evaluating things ‘on the sly’ results in some funny, scary, crazy and occasionally downright weird experiences. Share them here – we love to laugh!
I'll start off. Oh yeah, DISCLAIMER: share and disclose as much as you personally feel comfortable with. This does not have to be an admission of guilt. Now, I do understand how heavily MSCs read these forums, especially after receiving some rather nasty PMs.
I'll start it off. So, for some easy shops, I forgot to read the guidelines. Some changes took effect at the beginning of this month. The MSC likes to highlight
changes with another shop, notice how I italicized changes, but fails to give a heads-up with this shop. Anyways, I did a couple at the beginning of the month, and it bit me. Oh well! Sorry guys, not much humor with this one. I'm pretty lazy at the moment

... NEXT!
An oh my, yes I do realize now this is similar to the other thread about funny things happening when mystery shopping. But the one subtle difference here, is this is more skewed toward personal gaffes. Like a blooper reel.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2024 05:12AM by Okie.